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THE GANG WAS ALL Gathered in Vince's room. Laurie sat on the edge of Vince's hospital bed.

"So, they're going after survivors?" Ethan asked.

"My dad survived the Hollywood Murders committed by my uncle. Vince almost survived the Woodsboro Legacy Murders. Chad, Mindy, Sam, Tara, myself, Laurie, Lila, Gale, my mother we all survived the Woodsboro Legacy Murders. My mom survived every single one, except the New York Murders committed by my boyfriend, his dad, and sister. Ethan has changed, but I can't trust that you didn't go after my dad, just like you went after Lila." Anastasia said, pacing around the room.

"What the fuck, Anya?" Ethan asked, crossing his arms.

"Ethan, you promised me!" Anastasia said, jabbing her finger in his chest.

"And I'm keeping my promise, aren't I?" Ethan asked, staring at her.

"Guys, come on, let's not fight." Vince said, groaning.

"Vince, what happened last night?" Anastasia asked, as Laurie shifted to face her older brother.

"I got a call from the killer right after our phone call. Said he wanted to speak to Laurie, she wasn't there. Next thing I knew Ghostface was coming out of the closet and attacked me. I fought back, but they got the upper hand. I almost died, again." Vince explained.

Laurie looked at Mindy "What do we do?"

"Meeting at the park. Ethan and Chad bring Stefan, Anya and Laurie get Theresa." Mindy said.

Everyone left Vince's hospital room.

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AFTER ABOUT AN Hour everyone was rounded up at the park.

Anastasia stood next to Mindy "Alright, losers. We are dealing with another Ghostface attack. One dead, one injured. Nobody is safe as our franchise is coming to a close. My mom is not safe, Kirby is not safe, Gale is not safe, The Sensational Six is not safe, Danny and Ethan are not safe. No one is safe. Stab 1 was in Woodsboro, Stab 2 was in college, Stab 3 took place with a Ghostface related to my mother. Which means someone from our past is out to get us all. Roman Bridger was the only single Ghostface to kill 9 people and almost beat the shit out of my parents. We have our suspects, Mindy this is all you."

"Ethan Bailey, formerly Ethan Landry. Boyfriend to Anastasia Kincaid, one of the three Ghostfaces of the New York Murders. You promised to not kill anyone, yet you're on the top of the suspect list." Mindy said, crossing her arms.

"I didn't fucking do it. Why would I kill Anya's dad?" Ethan asked, waving his arms in Anastasia's direction.

"Because you killed her roommate out of jealousy." Mindy and Chad pointed out.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐌𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐖: 𝐄. 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐘 [𝟐]Where stories live. Discover now