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"WHERE'S TARA AND Chad?" Lila asked.

"I don't know!" Sam and Anastasia exclaimed.

All of a sudden there was a movie displayed on the screen. Anastasia held Sam's hand as they walked closer to it. Lila held Anastasia's. Tara's screams could be heard.

"Sam!" Anastasia exclaimed.

Sam, Anastasia, and Lila ran to the door just in time for Tara and Chad.

Anastasia looked behind them "Go!"

"It's Kirby, she's the killer." Sam said.

"No shit!" Chad exclaimed.

Sam turned to Chad as he walked to the gate.

"That's locked." Anastasia and Lila told him.

"We're trapped?" Chad asked.

"She made this whole theater a kill box for us." Sam said.

"Hey, what about that?" Tara asked, pointing upwards.

They all turned to where Tara was pointing at.

"There's an exit door. Maybe it leads to the roof or something?" Tara asked.

"There's only one way to find out. Let's go. Let's go." Chad said.

Anastasia turned around and gasped "Holy shit, it's Ghostface!"

Ghostface moved Anastasia out of the way then pushed Tara.

"Wait a minute.." Anastasia thought back to the apartment fight.

Lila screamed getting stabbed.

"No!" Anastasia screamed, holding onto Lila's wound.

Lila coughed "G-go! Get out of here!"

"Lila, no..." Anastasia cried.

Lila closed her eyes.

"Anya, come on!" Chad yelled, grabbing her.

Chad and Anastasia followed Sam and Tara.

"Where's Lila?" Tara asked Anastasia.

"She's dead!" Anastasia said as they ran.

Sam, Tara, Chad, and Anastasia ran from Ghostface. Chad threw the camera at him. Ghostface tried to attack Chad. Tara, Sam, and Anastasia tried to hold them back.Chad punched him in the face.

Ghostface fell. Tara kicked him in the face. Anastasia fell to her knees when Chad got stabbed.

Chad looked at her, blood spewing out of his mouth "Go!"

"Chad, no!" Anastasia yelled.

Another Ghostface came and stabbed Chad.

"Chad!" Tara yelled.

Anastasia cried "Go, I have a plan! Go!"

Tara and Sam left.

The Ghostface on the right of Anastasia looked at her, tilting his head.

Anastasia stood up and wiped her tears "Fuck you!"

He watched Anastasia run off. Anastasia hid as she dawned her uncle's costume and got his voice changer.

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ROMAN LOOKED AT her through the glass "Make me proud."

Anastasia grabbed her gun as she walked out from behind the curtains she looked down to see Kirby.

Kirby winced in pain "Do it."

Anastasia nodded and walked over to Sam and Tara then shot Detective Bailey in the chest, staring at unmasked Ethan.

Ethan tilted his head "Who the hell are you?"

Anastasia unmasked herself saying in the voice changer "Surprise, Ethan."

Ethan bit his lip, staring at his girlfriend in horror.

"This was my Uncle Roman's." Anastasia said, holding up Roman's mask.

Ethan gulped and said "Y-you shot my dad..."

"Kill her, Ethan!" Detective Bailey said, coughing.

"Ethan, look at me. You're not a killer. You didn't even kill Anika. Make the right choice. Richie hurt me, he hurt Tara, he hurt Sam. Quinn fucking stabbed my aunt. Ethan, please..." Anastasia said, walking over to him, cupping his face.

"Anastasia, Sam killed my brother..." Ethan whispered.

"And your brother killed my friends, he almost killed my mom and me last year. You wouldn't have me right here, right now if your brother had killed me that night." Anastasia said, holding his hands.

"Kill her, you baby!" Quinn yelled at Ethan.

Ethan shot her a glare then looked to Anastasia "Anya.."

Anastasia placed her hands on his chest "I love you, I will always love you, no matter what."

"Even after I killed Lila?" Ethan asked, looking away from her.

"This might sound toxic, but yes." Anastasia said, biting her lip.

Quinn came over to Anastasia, holding her knife to her side and said "If you won't kill her, I will, Ethan."

Sam and Tara looked at each other then Quinn "Let her go! Please!"

"Ethan.." Anastasia whispered.

Ethan looked at her "What?"

"It's okay." Anastasia whispered.

Quinn stabbed her in the same spot Richie did.

Anastasia screamed in pain, holding her side.

"No!" Ethan yelled, stabbing Quinn in the back.

Quinn screamed "What the fuck are you doing?"

"We had a deal, sister!" Ethan yelled.

"Tara..." Anastasia said, coughing.

Tara looked down at her and helped her up.

"Go get my gun." Anastasia told her.

Tara nodded "Anya.."

"I'll be fine." Anastasia said, holding onto Sam now.

Sam rubbed Anastasia's back "What are you doing?"

"He wants us to be like our family members, that's what we'll give him, Sam." Anastasia said, looking at Quinn and Detective Bailey.

" Anastasia said, looking at Quinn and Detective Bailey

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