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IT HAD BEEN 2 YEARS SINCE The New York Ghostface attacks and 3 years since the Woodsboro Legacy Murders. Anastasia was at Sam and Tara's apartment helping them make dinner.

"He still hasn't proposed?" Chad asked, pouting.

"Why? You think you'll be my Maid of Honor?" Anastasia asked, tilting her head.

"I think I'd look hot in a dress." Chad said, bumping his hip with hers.

She chuckled "Yeah, whatever, Chad."

Mindy gagged "You guys are weird."

"Shut up, Mindy." Chad told his twin.

Tara and Sam set the table.

"Where's Ethan?" Chad asked.

"I have Econ." Anastasia said in a deep voice.

"Guys!" Anika yelled, turning up the tv.

The group went to the living room. Anastasia's breath got caught in her throat. Chad caught her before she could hit the floor. Anastasia's father was dead.

"Call Ethan. Now!" Chad told Anika.

Anastasia yelled and cried.

Anika called Ethan "Hey, you need to come to the apartment now. Anastasia's not doing good. Just hurry the fuck up and get here! Okay, bye."

Chad helped Anastasia up sitting her next to Anika. Anastasia sniffed and rested her head on Anika's shoulder.

"Aw, sweetie. I'm so sorry." Anika apologized.

Chad rested his head in Anastasia's lap.

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ETHAN BARGED INTO THE Apartment then squatted in front of Anastasia "Baby, look at me. Look at me."

Anastasia slowly looked at Ethan and sniffed "Who killed my father?"

"I don't know, baby. I will do anything to make sure you're safe." Ethan said, cupping her face.

Anastasia placed her hands on top of his "Ethan, did you kill my father?"

"I stabbed my own sister through the mouth, do you really think I'd betray you again?" Ethan asked, looking into her eyes.

She shook her head.

Sam sighed "I think we all need to stay here."

"Agreed." Tara, Chad, and Mindy said.

"Let's all get our stuff and meet back here at 8." Anastasia said, wiping her tears.

Ethan sighed "We'll be right back."

"Ew." Mindy said.

"Shut up, Mindy." Chad said, rolling his eyes.

Anastasia slowly got off the couch.

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ETHAN PICKED HER UP And held her close.

"You don't have to carry me." Anastasia whispered.

"I want to." Ethan said, kissing her head.

When they got to the apartment Ethan and Anastasia packed a bag. Ethan sighed as the two of them walked back to Sam and Tara's apartment. Anika, Chad, and Mindy were in the living room eating. Sam and Tara were in their rooms. Anastasia sighed as she went to get changed into her pajamas.

Ethan followed her and changed.

She wrapped her arms around his neck "Should I go see my mom?"

"Knowing your mom, she might come and see you." Ethan said, kissing her head.

She rested her head on his chest "Ethan?"

"Yeah?" He asked, softly.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you." He said, kissing her cheek then her lips.

She kissed back then pulled away. They walked back into the living room then got comfortable on their little bed. Anastasia sniffed and fell asleep. Ethan fell asleep soon after.


{This part of the story is gonna be a gory blood bath}

{This part of the story is gonna be a gory blood bath}

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