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TARA LOOKED AROUND Then walked off the stage. Anastasia sat at the edge of the stage.

Lila sat next to her "A?"

"Yes?" Anastasia asked, looking at her.

"I'm so sorry about what my sister did to you. She seemed like she loved you, but only loved the fact you were Roman's niece more." Lila said, looking at her.

Anastasia rubbed her arms and nodded "It seems so."

Ethan sat next to Anastasia, looking at Lila "Bye, Lila."

Lila rolled her eyes, leaving "Whatever.."

Anastasia looked at Ethan "Are you jealous?"

"What? No!" Ethan exclaimed, his voice gotten higher.

Anastasia kissed his cheek "Stop it, I love you only."

Ethan smiled at her and kissed the tip of her nose "I love you."

"I love you." She smiled.

Detective Bailey told everyone the plan to lure in Ghostface.

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CURRENTLY MINDY, CHAD, ANASTASIA, Ethan, Lila, and Kirby were all in her van. Every time Ethan kept munching on the Cheetos, Anastasia grimaced.

"Want some?" Ethan offered.

Anastasia shook her head, making a face. Ethan kissed her cheek. Lila and Mindy gagged.

"Leave the love birds alone!" Chad told them.

Anastasia giggled "Thanks, C."

Chad smirked "Of course, Ethstasia."

"Not again." Mindy groaned.

Anastasia hummed.

"So are we doing the phone tracing thing that never works in the movies. It'll be all, 'Keep em talking, Sam, we almost got him. Two more minutes, we almost had him.' And then he hangs up just before we can get a lock on him." Mindy sassed.

Anastasia and Lila rolled their eyes.

"I can trace a call in under 15 seconds." Kirby said.

"So can my dad." Anastasia chuckled.

"Kudos to Mark." Kirby said, looking at the girl.

Ethan rested his head on Anastasia's shoulder.

"Well, you've got them out there as bait." Mindy told Kirby.

"Because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby." Kirby told her.

"And you think they're safe, because it's broad daylight in a public place?" Mindy asked.

"Look, I am here, okay? And so is Bailey." Kirby told her.

"This is exactly how our Uncle Randy died. Broad daylight, public place. Yanked into a van, stab, stab, stab, no more Randy." Mindy said, angrily.

"Huh." Kirby told her.

Ethan tried to offer cheetos to Lila and Chad.

"Hey, Sam. Stay frosty out there, okay?" Kirby breathed out.

"Alright, that's it." Anastasia said, taking the bag of Cheetos from Ethan.

"Hey!" Ethan whined.

Lila handed her wipes to Anastasia. Anastasia wiped Ethan's fingers clean.

"I wasn't finished with those!" Ethan kept whining.

"Shh." Anastasia said, kissing his cheek.

Ethan huffed in defeat. Lila gagged.

"Geo-location coming through right now. He's on the upper west side, he's inside an apartment building halfway across the city." Kirby told Sam and Tara.

Anastasia sat up and asked at the same time as Tara "West 96?"

"How did you both know that?" Kirby asked.

"Gale." Anastasia said, her bottom lip quivering.

" Anastasia said, her bottom lip quivering

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