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Blue lock gc

*Y/n has left the groupchat*


See you guys scared her off

Genuinely help
Y/n is mad at me
and she didn't tell me anything
and she was like 'never speak to me again'
and she blocked me
and I cant get through to her
idk what to do

Oh damn

New Shidou unlocked

Oh what

Y/n nooo :(

Did you tell her something in particular?
Which maybe pissed her off a bit?

No dude
She told me this out the blue
Like we weren't even texting

Maybe she just wanted some space?

No something is up
fuckkkk bro idk what to do
I don't wanna loose her

Shidou you're scaring me

Seeing you this calm is scary

You guys are no help

Shidou placed his phone on the counter, and ran his fingers through his hair as he paced up and down his kitchen.

What was up with her?

He genuinely didn't know what he did, which made him even more upset. He couldn't loose you, he just couldn't.

These past few months speaking to you were like a blessing to him. Everything about you was perfect to him. He could talk to you for hours and hours and still feel disappointed when you had to go sleep or do something else. 

Your notification would always make him pause whatever he was doing, and he would always giggle when you would flirt back with him.

"Fuck," he breathed out, leaning against his counter. "Fuck fuck fuck."

He would do anything for you back. Anything.

He pushed off the counter, and stormed his way towards his office desk where he sat on his chair and powered on this computer.

Into the search bar he typed.

'Japan to New York flights.' and pressed enter. 

He bit his lip scrolling, looking for the soonest flight.

He didn't care about the cost. He was a footballer, money meant nothing to him. He would pay it a million times more if it were to see you.

He tapped on the soonest one. 2 days.

It would feel like an eternity to him, but it was the best option. He booked it, swipping his card and seeing the notification pop up from his bank saying he had spent the money.

It was confirmed.

unknown; r. shidouDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora