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"Sae!" Shidou called out, surprising you slightly. 

The plane ride went pretty smoothly. Well, you assumed it did. If there was any turbulence, you slept right through it. You both left the plane as soon as possible, grabbed your bags and headed straight for the exit. Shidou had told you Sae was gonna be there, along with Reo and his said limo.

You half believed it, but Shidou convinced you he would actually be there.

You wouldn't believe it until you saw it.

When Shidou called Sae's name, a red haired guy turned his head, and waved to an already waving Shidou. You stumbled behind Shidou who was practically dragging you towards the man. He seems wayyy to exited to see him.

"Look's like you made it." Sae smiled, his hands in the pockets of his long black coat.

"Well of course we did. The plane wasn't gonna crash or anything."

Sae scoffed. "I know that." he averred his gaze to you. "You must be Y/n." He stuck his hand out. "Great to meet you."

He's so polite.

"It's a pleasure. I've heard so much about you." you chuckled, shaking his hand.

"Same here." he looked to Shidou, who gave him a smirk. But Sae's expression suddenly changed when he looked at your hand.

"A ring?" He held up your hand. "Shidou you didn't..."

"No you dense fuck, we aren't engaged." He rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around you. "It was a one day anniversary gift."

Sae tilted his head slightly. "One day?"

Shidou sighed. "Oh my god-"

You only giggled. "Boyfriend and girlfriend anniversary."

Sae's eyes lit up. "You're dating?"

"Fuck yeah? You think I would fuck her and not make it official? Who do you think I a-"

You smacked a hand on Shidou's mouth. "Inside voice-" You whispered through gritted teeth. You were still in the fucking airport.

Sae turned around. "Just tell me in the limo. Reo and Nagi are waiting outside."

You both snapped your head towards Sae, who was already making his way towards the exit.

"No way he actually got the limo-"

Sae turned his head. "Yes way. Now, hurry up or else they're gonna leave without us."

He didn't need to tell you twice. You and Shidou practically sprinted to the exit, leaving Sae in the dust. You aimlessly walked around the car park looking for this damn limo, and half of you wished you both had just waited for Sae because you both were for sure lost...

That was until you saw a group of people surrounding something. You and Shidou approached the crowd, pushing people out the way to see what caused all the commotion, and in all it's glory, there sat the limo.

You and Shidou smiled, and out came Reo from the sliding door. He wore a black turtle neck, matched with a pair of black designer pants. He wore sunglasses on his head, and his hair was pulled loosely in a pony tail.

You and Shidou stood in awe. 

"Well well well." He approached you both, cameras flashing all around you. You shuddered, and smiled, and pulled him into a huge hug.

"W-what the actual fuck??" You giggled. "This is just impressive."

He hugged you back, but not so tightly as he could see Shidou glaring at him in the corner of his eye. 

"It's a pleasure, honestly." 

You released yourself from his arms, and Shidou approached him.

"Yo man, you really pulled through." He held out a hand to dap him up. 

"Yeah of course." He dapped Shidou's hand. "Uh, where's Sae?"

You both chuckled awkwardly, looking at each other. "We kinda got exited and ran. He should be coming, though."

"Jesus Christ you guys..."

You turned your head, to see Sae shaking his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Speaking of the devil-"

Sae sighed. "Can we please go inside, there are wayyy too many people here for my liking." he glared at everyone, scanning the crowd and giving them all a death stare. 

Some of them left, but most stayed. Sae gave up. 

Sae approached the door of the limo first, squatting slightly and ducking his head to fit inside. You only heard a faint. 'Hey Nagi, pass the Champagne, I need it-' which made you both chuckle.

You, Shidou and Reo followed, entering the limo and Reo shut the door behind him. Reo said some address to his driver, and Shidou made himself comfortable near Sae, already pouring himself a glass of the alcohol.

You, though, made your way over to a half asleep Nagi. He didn't notice you come in, so you just sat next to him in silence. You tapped his thigh slightly, which woke him up. He looked around for a bit, rubbed his eyes, then noticed you. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling.

He blinked a few times. "Y/n?"

You crossed your legs. "In the flesh."

Nagi smiled. "Woah, you're here."

"Yeah, I am. And damn, you're lucky to have Reo."

Nagi turned his head. "Lucky?"

You scoffed. "Hell yeah. He must love to spoil you~"

Nagi sighed. "Yeah, he does. I am pretty lucky to have him, huh."

"Y/n!" Shidou called out to you from the other side of the limo, and held up a glass of champagne. "You drink alcohol?"

You shrugged. "Well, I do now." and picked up the glass from his hand, downing it in one go.

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