sick fuck

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Today was the day.

He picked up his luggage and left his house and stepping into the cab outside that was waiting for him. It was happening.

What a fucking idiot

Rin had told Y/n something?

No words could even describe how angry he felt in that moment. He took a deep breath through his gritted teeth, trying to calm himself before he kicked down the cab door.

Sae knew nothing apparently, and no one did. Whatever he told you was between you and him. He knew the next time he saw Rin he would kick his balls so far up into his stomach they would come out his mouth.

He checked through his phone to make sure he had all his boarding passes and his passport. Nothing was gonna stop him from going.

After what felt like an hour, the cab had arrived at the airport. He stepped out, picking up his luggage from the trunk and payed the driver. He stepped into the airport, and headed straight to scan his ticket, letting him into customs. 

Everything went smoothly, as expected. He didn't have any liquids or anything deadly, so he was fine.

He picked up his bag from the conveyer belt, and headed over to a large board. He scanned all the flights until he found his. 

New York 

boards: 1 hour..

He grabbed the nearest seat, crossed his legs and put in his AirPods. Just 1 hour...


He smiled, walking down the isle of the airplane. 

3b 3b 3b..

He found his seat, but before he could sit down he put his luggage in the overhead locker. The seat was somewhat roomy, and had a small TV for him to watch some Netflix. He didn't want to use his phone, because he didn't want it to die once he arrived to New York. 

But after a long wait for people to sit their asses down, and for the pilots to do their little demonstration, the plane began to take off.

Shidou didn't bother watching the plane take off, he was already asleep.

It was probably the first time he slept in 3 days.

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