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You stood in the staff room and you leant against a counter top, sipping your coffee and staring into absolutely nothing.

How many coffee's have I had?

You couldn't remember. But you knew more were to come. You didn't sleep an eye last night, and had to practically drag yourself out of bed this morning. You were so close to calling in sick this morning because of how much you didn't want to go.

"Y/n!" Your colleague called out to you, and you snapped out of your gaze and jolted your head up to look at her.

"Hey." You relaxed your body, tossing the empty coffee up into the sink next to you.

"You're spacing out again." She said, reaching into the cabinet next to you.

"Yeah- sorry I'll get back to work." You stood up properly, but she quickly stopped you.

"No no no. You barley even know what's going on around you." She grabbed the thing she was looking for and stood next to you. "What's up."

You scoffed, and you knew if you started talking about it you would start crying again. "Just.., guy problems." You said, and it was the vaguest answer you could think of.

"Well, whatever he did he's an ass. All guys are the same." She said, making her way to the door. "By the way, take today off. You need it." She looked back, and you smiled.

"Thanks. I'll take you out to dinner." You waved to her, and she waved back. She shut the door behind her, and you were the only one in the quiet staff room.

You walked over to your locker and grabbed your bags, shutting it and leaving through the back exit. 

You walked along the sidewalk of the busy New York streets, your head pounding because of the combination of coffee and lack of sleep. 

You couldn't stop thinking about him, and it pissed you off. How could you let him treat you like that?

You don't deserve him Y/n
He was a waste of time

You repeated those words to yourself, trying to convince yourself to just forget about him and just act like nothing happened. 

But It was impossible

You wondered if you ever would move on. Would he be engraved into your mind forever?

You knew you were being dramatic, but that's what it felt like. You placed a hand on your forehead, leaving your head dangling low as you tried to bump into as little people as possible.

The second you arrived home, you dropped all your bags at your door and ran to your bed. You jumped on it, and almost instantly you were out.

You didn't even realise how tired you were until you actually went into bed. 

Does this boy really have that much of an effect on me?

unknown; r. shidouWhere stories live. Discover now