Chapter 1: Better Together

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*Ashlyn's POV* (January 29, 2013)

There is no combination of words I could put on the back of a postcard  

No song that I could sing, but I can try for your heart  

Our dreams, and they are made out of real things  

Like a, shoebox of photographs  

With sepia-toned loving  

Love is the answer,  

At least for most of the questions in my heart  

Like why are we here? And where do we go?  

And how come it's so hard?  

It's not always easy and  

Sometimes life can be deceiving  

I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together

I could hear Cody in my dreams, but I cant see him. I dont know why

"Cody..." I mumbled.

"Hey Wake up Ashyln Doppler!" He shouted and started Jiggling my bed "Seriously, Stop being Lazy!"

Turns out all the singing and jiggling were real, I groaned trying to open my eyes"Cody, get out of my room!"

"I brought you gummy bears, beef jerkies and pretzels!" he exclaimed. Throwing a pack of everything on my face and sat on the end of my bed. Seriously why is this weirdo in my room? Shoot. I guess my mom let him in AGAIN. I remove my blanket away from me and took a peek out of my window which was only 2 feet away from my bed.

"CODY!" I shouted With all strength I had, I could feel the anger in my body slowly rising "I cant believe you! How could you wake me up when its like 5 in the morning!" Cody seemed to ignore what I said and instead gave me a devilish look.

He quickly roll unto the other side of my bed and grabbed my phone, He took a bag of pretzels with him before running downstair and outside.

"Codyyy Give my phone back!"

"You have to let me hack your twitter first!" He chuckled and continued running outside.

I quickly trailed him, As soon as I opened the door a cold brezzy air welcomed me, I was wearing my PJ's and trust me it didnt kept me warm. Shit. I almost forgot its Winter Days here in LA. Where could that boy be? Im shivering. I took a deep breath and headed outside and since I was chasing Cody I forgot to wear a coat.

"Cod-dy- I-It's So C-C-Cold, I h-hate y-you!"

And ofcourse I had to look for him, 20 mins was long enough for me to lose hope and get back inside.

"So you're back Ms. Doppler" He Teased, raising an eyebrow while he showed me my phone.

"Cody Annoying Simpson, thank you for letting me froze to dea- cough* cough*"

Great. Now Im sick, Thanks Cody.

"Cody, if you dont want to return my phone thats okay with me sniff* sniff* Im going back to bed" I turned around and marched my way to my room; I made sure he could feel the guilt. Ha-Ha

*End of Ashlyn's POV*

*Cody's POV*

I took Ashie's Phone, its just that she looks so cute when she gets pissed. When She followed me outside, I quickly made my way back to their house. Her mom went to her work so its completely okay for me to pull all these noises in their house.

I quickly went to twitter and twetted: "@Ashlyn_Doppler: I cant believe this @CodySimpson is so cute!"

I got my phone and RTed it. "RT @Ashlyn_Doppler: I cant believe this @CodySimpson is so cute!" Oh Thanks Ash, Too bad im not into you Ha-Ha"

BAM. Just 10 minutes passed and there were 1,903 RT's 5612 Favorties. I checked my mentions

@AngelicaPingcs: They're so cute! lol

@Cody'sGCF: Too bad they're only bestfriends, would def. love to see them date

Yeah. Me too, wait what?

@143iyiyi: Wow Cody Hacking your bestfriend's twitter at 5 am that's totally legit. Haha

@HeyCodstah_11: lmao. wish i was her.

20 minutes later.

"So you're back Ms. Doppler" I Teased, raising an eyebrow while I showed her phone.

She looks so pale. Uh-Oh. How long was she looking for me?

"Cody, if you dont want to return my phone thats okay with me sniff* sniff* Im going back to bed"

Okay. I guess I went too far, I froze when she spoke all those words, I made her sick and now Im feeling so guity, way to go Cody. I should probably do something, I opened their panrty and I found loads of stuff I could use to make her something, I could sense that she's cold so I'll just make her a mushroom soup.

*End of Cody's POV*

*Ashlyn's POV*

I could hear noises from the kitchen, I took a peak and saw Cody opening a can of soup and frying some Asparagus. Sigh. What's he up to?

"C-" I was about to question him when I realized he was almost done, he took a photo of his Master Piece. Yeah Right. And slowly made his way in my room.

I quickly jumped on my bed *cough*cough* okay this was not part of the plan.

"Hey.." Cody greeted pushing the door with his elbow.

"What do you want now?!" I spat. He smiled at me Placed the Trey of soup and fried Asparagus on my coffee table.

"Sorry, about the whole taking-your-phone-running-and-waking-you up stuffs"

Okay. Fine.

"Fine, whats that?" I asked pointing to the trey of food

"Oh that? Umm, I cooked you a soup since you look like you're gonna get sick" He slowly assisted me to get up and sat on the end of the bed while he handed me the food.

"Yeah thanks to you, but Whatevs Thank you" I smiled.

He quickly gave me a hug and said "SORRRYYYY ASHIIEEEE" giving me the ":3" look. I gotta admit he looks so Adorable. His eyes. Oh his eyes

He took small inches away from me and we were looking at each other's eyes. My heart is pounding so fast, I liked Cody ever since we were 2. But I never said never fell for him, I knew I was but things just dont go the way I wanted it to be


Shit. I almost thought we had something real there

"Gross!" He quickly let go of the hug and ran to my bathroom "Im just gonna wash all your dirty toxics, eat your food"



He left his phone. Im gonna get him back, but wait a text message from who?

I opened it. It was from Kylie.

"Goodmorning Codes :) xox"

Oh yeah, I almost forgot they had something, something I wish I had, but not a relationship something almost at the verge of it.

This was kinda boring but yeah, wait for the next chap in idk 3 days? Dont forget to Fan, Comment and Vote! Thanks <3

Time's Up (A Cody Simpson FanFic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ