Chapter 23: All the things that made Life worth living

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"Time for what?"

"Its time for us"

I remember jumping up and down in happiness like it was my birthday. I had her, I knew I did. She wasn't just that ready. I made her so happy, and likewise, she made me feel like Im the best guy in the world.


"The food is soo GOOD" She said chunking a huge slice of pizza roll in her mouth.

"Eyw you eat like a pig" I teased. She narrowed her eyes and punched me in the shoulder, I chuckled giving her a kiss on the forehead.

She continued to eat while I leaned stared at her. Observing every mole, every sparkle her eyes made everytime I smile, every smile, and those pink plump lips.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

I sighed and smiled "I dont know Ash, I guess you have no Idea how I wanted this moment to happen in my life"

"Well, Sir Simpson. You haven't even read the first page of my story" She said sipping on her bottled water

"Since when did you started liking me Codes?" She asked.

I instantly turned red. "I-I I- "

She moved closer and placed her palm on my cheeks "Hey... Dont be shy, Im still ME, ya know"

"Since, I met you. I never really thought I'd be so attached and so into you. I guess you're one of a kind"

*End of Cody's POV*

*Ashlyn's POV*

Cody turned red after telling me all those words, his cute face revealed the huge relief of me feeling better. 

 "If i was a good writer, I'd definitely tell the world about us and blog all day, tweet all night, post chapters.."

"But" Cody interrupted

"But what?" I asked in confusion.

"But that would mean, more paparazzi everywhere. I wouldn't want to risk of you getting hurt all over again.... no no no" He said.

I blushed, but some part of me made me shed a tear.

"Whats wrong?" Cody asked leaning closer and pulling me into his large muscles.

"I-I couldn't even believe THE CODY SIMPSON is inlove with me. Its that crazy feeling when you can stop fangirling over him and BAM just one accident and everything's revealed. Your future, Your life.... Why does everything happen so fast? Its not that I dont want it but what if the next day I woke up, Im at the hospital all over again... or in a coffin"

Cody suddenly turned viscious like a monster suddenly came out of him he let go of me sooner than I thought and spoke on his loud voice "WHY ARE YOU SAYING THAT? DO YOU WANT THAT TO HAPPEN? HA?!"

My eyes popped. Im speechless. I dont know why has got into me. Why did I say all those words?

"Co-Cody Im sorry" I said in my nervous voice looking down trying to hide.

"Ash..." He sighed. "Im sorry , I didn't mean to. I just got so scared. Im so sorry" He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a tight hug and whispered "Dont you ever say that again I cant afford to lose you....not now, I promise we'll do whatever we can to help you cure that sickness"

"Promise?" I asked.

"Pinky Promise."

"Hey" he said cupping my chin and pulling me closer to his lips "I love you"

like a  burst of fireworks inside of me, his soft lips crashed, it was the most perfect lips. Not dry, not too wet just moist. I closed my eyes and everything was so there were fountains dancing in my head... oh God, thankyou.


I suddenly moved away and looked who sarcastically cleared his or her throat. I saw Alli.

"I see you guys are catching up" She smirked.

"Alli!" Cody looked at her in a very annoyed way probably because we were interrupted. Haha

"Excuse us Ash" Cody said, what a gentleman.

I carefully observed his room, and I have to say it has gotten a bit bigger since he started earning money.

I was wearing my peach skater skirt, fitted grey hoodie and black converse. I decided that it would be best if I let my hair just as it was since its naturally wavy. 

I entered Cody's Dressing room all his Polo, Shirts, Blazers, Vests, Everything! Then I saw this very dusty box on top of the shelves with a title written "Memories"

I opened it, there it revealed tons of photos

A shot when we were playing detectives

A shot when we were at the swing

Another shot when we both had chocolate syrups scattered all over our mouths..

how amazing everything turned out to be..

no problems

no worries

just happiness

I know Cody will be here for me in the End, but I know im being a pessimist. I love Him, and im willing to do anything just to let him know how much that I value this relationship. I worry about every single day that I wake up. I get multiple headaches time to time, the last time the doctor told was to avoid myself from stress. I really feel awful most of the times but because of Cody I pretend everything is completely fine.


"OH Cody" I responded in a very shocked voice "Hi, Im sorry I didn't ask for your permission to~"

"Shh" He interrupted. "What's mine is yours, what's yours is mine"

I stood up and wiped off all the dust from my hands. He pulled me closer by wrapping his arms on my waist and whispered "So where were we?" 

I giggled.

yow simpsies! its up :) thankyou so much for your undying support love you guys :* wait up for the next chap soon! COMMENT, FAN AND VOTE. HOW WAS THIS CHAPTER? COMMENT A FEEDBACK.

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