Chapter 10: Fake Smile

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"Are you ready?" I asked waiting on the other side of the door. I leaned my ear closer only to find her laughing.

"Are you laughing? Hurry up. We gotta go" I banged on her door twice to let her know I was so thrilled to go out already.

The Sun is perfectly shinning, the weather is warm. Ahh... Summer, the awesome feeling of being on the beach.

"Cody, honey" A familiar voice spoke behind my back, I turned around to see who it was.. It was her mom

"Take good care of Her okay? She doesn't know much about swimming" I nodded in approval and heard Ash scream "MOM!" then the door unlocked I backed away from the door and she was sprinting out of her room "C'mon stop telling Cody everything..."

Her mom giggled and went downstairs I could still hear whispers from Ash debating about what her mom had just told me. I trailed them to hear more.

"Honey, you two have known each other for Decades. Im pretty sure Cody completely knows that you dont know how to swim that much.. And besides dont you want us to be close? I mean c'mon if you're gonna be his girlfriend He better knows everything about you.."

"Mom, We're bestfriends and I guess somehow dating we're not really TO-GETHER."

I looked at my watch, its almost 12 noon, I bet Alli is being impatient by now. I cleared my throat to let them know I was there. Ashlyn turned around to look at me and gave her mom a kiss, then she dragged my arm out of the door.

She was wairing a Neon pink Ruffled top and white shorts. On her neck hung a forever 21 gold necklace with an Anchor. She also bun her hair and wore sandals. Its funny how I know everything about how girls dress maybe because Alli keeps on barging in my room before she goes out and ask me funny questions like "How is my hair bun?", "Do you think this top is too overrated?", "Should I wear a blazer over this dress?", "Should I use a nude lipstick for this outfit" And for some reasons I felt like I was her fashion consultant.

"Where are they?" She asked. Flashing me that beautiful smile, I haven't asked her yet if she wants to be my girlfriend, Im still waiting for that perfect moment.

"Right there" I replied pointing to the 2 persons below a tree. Jake is visiting me for a couple of weeks and well she's with my sister. The two of them had something going on before but didn't last that long and maybe the feelings are still there.

 "Hey mate" I greeted Jake

"Hey, Let's go surf?"

"Alright." I jumped into my suit and headed my way down the beach.

*End of Cody's POV*

*Ashlyn's POV*

"Hey, let's go swim ?" Alli asked, I gave her a LIKE REALLY? look.

"Dont worry, I'll be by your side" She assured me, I nodded for approval and before we knew it. The Cold water gave me chills. The water is beautiful, the greenish blueish look made the sea such a wonderful place. How amazing is it when you slowly burry yourself with water, the underworld feels like a whole new place and all you can hear is the water filling your ear lobes..


I thought I hear someone scream, I rose from the water to inhale some air ~




"Oh my god I'm so sorry Cody" I hear someone beg

I flickered my eyes a couple of times, the salt of the sea trapped on my eyes made it even more painful for my eyes to open widely. 

"W-What happend?" I asked. That was when I found out everyone was surrounding me Cody, Jake, Alli and a Life guard

"Okay, Ashlyn I need you to sit up straight. We need to tap off the water you swallowed" And so I did. The Life guard slowly patted my back and I choked releasing the water I swallowed.

"What happend?" I faced Cody.

"You got hit by Jake's Surfboard, Alli was screaming for you to get out of the way but I guess you didn't hear it"

Was I really that dumb not to hear Alli?


"Go home and take a rest, you're okay now but be careful next time Mr. Thrupp we're lucky you didn't cut his head open"

Jake nodded "Hey Im so sorry Ash, the wave was so big and I guess I lost calculation"

"Its okay" I smiled at him. Well, he is my bestfriend too and besides nothing serious happened to me so why should i be mad.

We packed our stuffs and headed home, Alli and Jake grabbed something to eat and we'll all meet up in my house, Why Cody and I fixed the guestroom.

"Hey Ash, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure" I said throwing the pillow on my left side.

*End of Ashlyn's POV*

*Cody's POV*

Its been a month or so, Since I kissed Ashlyn. We've been dating for a while but I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend. My record label called last month asking me if I wanted to tour around UK. Ofcourse I took the opportunity. I guess I should tell her

"Hey Ash, can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked.

"Sure" She responded throwing the pillow on her left side.

The tour starts in a week or probably less. They've fixed everything, except the part that I have to leave someone special. Should I tell her now?

"What is it?" She asked.

My heart pounds so fast... 

"My Record Label...."

Ugh, Im not sure whats gonna be her reaction.

"Yeah?" Her face lit up. While I hide my emotions

"asked if I.... wanted to tour in UK"

I wasn't expecting this but she smiled "And what did you say?"

"I said..... yes"

She gasped. Shit I screwed up again

"Im so proud of you!! Oh my god we should celebrate" She screamed and gave me a tight hug before running out of the guestroom and probably head to the kitchen to get something.

Wait what? Why is she acting like this? She's not sad Im going away for a year?

 *End of Cody's POV*

*Back to Ashlyn's POV*

I smiled at him, my feelings are about to explode "And what did you say?"

Well, Im hoping its a No. 

"I said ... Yes" he said. Oh it feels like my tummy grew sick. I gasped, no I cant let him know

"Im so proud of you!! Oh my god we should celebrate" I screamed. Trying to cover the gasped, I gave him a hug and ran to the kitchen...

I fall, back first on the counter covering my mouth with my palms, Trying to hold back the pain..

Why now? Why all of a sudden? Why am I being over dramatic over this? Just Why.

Took me long enough to do this, but hey atleast its here now. Tune in for the next chapter but I gotta admit the next chapter is gonna be full of emotion maybe somehow boring but chapter 12 will be full of surprises :) Thanks for reading! Fan, Comment and Vote. Oh and your comments motivate me to do this asap. So comment! And motivate me! :)) okay dont forget to buy pretty brown eyes on iTunes its out now!

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