Chapter 18: Its nothing, really.

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"Why do we always run away everytime we hurt each other?" Cody asked.

"I dont know, maybe because instead of explaining further, we just want to stop talking for a while to avoid saying more nonesense words or thoughts" I lifted my feet from the ground and kicked allowing the swing to move back and forth.


"Yeah?" He threw his head up and looked at me.

"Why do you keep on kissing me when you're sad?"

I stared at the clear blue sky.

"I dont know, maybe because I know after that everything else would be better and okay"

I smiled. Things are better than before, Im really glad Cody apologized to Billy and I guess that seals every misunderstandings. Cody bargged in my room again this morning but this time he did it formally, Like knocking etc. We waited decided to go to the park and here we are now. I really have no Idea when we're going home. Some kids are complaining like "Hey get off the swing we wanna play" Cody gave his seat. Im not giving mine. 

"Hey, Im hungry. Can we go grab something to eat?" I asked him.

"Yeah, Sure"

"Ugh Cody..." I felt a very painful electric-like ache on my head. My Vision started to blurr and before I could even realize I fell on the ground.

*End of Ashlyn's POV*

*Alli's POV*

I called Cody to tell him there was an emergency in the studio, something about an urgent meeting. As he picked up the phone, he was very anxious.

"Calm down Cody, What happened?"

"I dont know Alli! Ash and I were about to grab some lunch and s-sh- s- she fainted."

"Oh my God. Where are you?"

"Im already here in the hospital, I called her mom already and I dont know I just cant keep calm. Im worrying about her"

"Cody, She's going to be Fine. I promise you, As long as the Doctors said so, then you've got nothing to worry about. For now you really have to go to the studio to fix some important matters"

"I cant Al, I cant."

I could hear Cody's breathing heavily, he was really really not okay.

"Cody! Will you please Calm yourself PLEASE. Listen, I'll go there and take care of Ash while you're gone. Got it?"

"B-But" he said. "No Buts! I said I'll take care of her, Do you trust me?"

He sighed. "Fine. I'll leave now but Please come over A.S.A.P"

"I will. Give me 20 mins."

I hunged up and took a cab as soon as I could. I arrived at the Hospital 5 mins. late from what I've promised to Cody. I opened the door of Ash's room and there was a nurse, a Doctor and her mom.

"How is she?" I asked.

"You're just in time, the Doctor is about to tell us" Her mom responded. 

I heard mumbles. Ashlyn was trying to open her eyes

"Miss Doppler, Are you still feeling that terrible pain on your head?" The Doctor Asked, while the nurse took out a pen out of her pockets. I assume they're gonna take down notes of Ashlyn's response.

Ash nodded.

"Have you been experiencing this lately?"

"I guess so, but all of them are minor headaches. Which I never thought something serious"

"Well, we're going to run more tests for you but for now. We want you to tell us everytime you feel something new okay?"


"Am I allowed to take her home now?" Her mom asked. The Doctor nodded and reminded all of us to always keep an eye for her. Her mom took care of the Bills and went straight to their car. I sat next to Ash squeezing her hand every now and then.

"Are you going to tell Cody about this?"

"Why so? Its nothing really serious. And besides Im really feeling Fine right now"

"But if this is something serious, Cody would love to know soon than keeping it from him.."

I really dont think its such a good idea, to keep this from my brother. I love him way too much to keep this. But as a respect to Ash, I do think she knows whats she's doing. Im dying inside, What if this was something horrible?

"Okay but you're telling me the truth okay?"

"Yes, I promise." I smiled at her.

*End Of Alli's POV*

*Ashlyn's POV* 

I wasn't really planning to tell Alli but if that's the only way for her to shut up. Then I'll take my chances. I know its nothing really biggy. Everyone around me is just being a bit exaggerated.

I woke up the next day in my bed like always. Can't believe Cody visited me last night but I was in deep sleep. I always wake up by the smell of his perfume, I have no idea why that didn't wake me up.

I headed downstairs to give mom some goodmorning kiss, she took the day off just to make sure I was okay. 

"Honey would you like some fruits on your meal?"

I think Im going to Cody today, I heard the bad news about his album, poor him.

"Honey? would you like some fruits?"

I wish I could do something to help him, one of his songs got deleted accidently and now he has to record it, edit and all those stuffs. I almost thought its gonna be fun now that he's here. The kid needs some break to ya' know? And besides~


"Who what?" Why is she giving me >:O Look. "Why mom?"

"I've been asking you several times if you wanted fruits for your meal"

"You did?"


"Oh, Sorry. No thanks"

"Why are you acting like that?" Mom asked, yeah mom like I have an Idea.

"Maybe its just the medicines that the doctor gave me yesterday..."

 Yeah.. Oh... Yeah.. I was long lost stupid didn't know what I was doing wrong, just eat sleep feeling free then I partied all night long..But I would never get too worry about the little things in life, I know I won the lottery coz' baby cant you see~ 

"Hello?" Oh. Its Cody calling me

"So how are you?" He asked.

"Good. Fine, It was nothing too serious"

"You sure? What did the doctors say?"

"Yes Cody, They said they're gonna run more tests and Im going back to the hospital in a week or so. I dont know....But Im sure Im okay, Hey listen, I gotta go. Im feeling a bit woozy again. Its probably the meds. I'll go take a shower. This might relax my body"

"Oh okay. I'll take you there, I promise to clear my sched. okay? Take Care, Call me after or as soon as you feel like giving me a call. I'll never be too busy for you ok?"

"Okay thanks, bye"

I hunged up. I really dont understand why Im feeling sick inside. Maybe some Warm shower could do the trick. Mom reminded me to tell her If I was feeling something unusal. But being a bit woozy is just normal for me, and I really dont need to tell her stuffs every now and then. She'll just end up leaving work and I dont want that to happen. Her work makes her happy and Im okay with that.

Could it be something serious? I really dont know. JK ofcourse I know! Im the writer here, haha. Comment me what are you expecting to happen next or what are you currently feeling.. :) Thanks for reading!

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