Chapter 7: Irresistable move

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and the most unexpected thing happened.


Shoot. Its My cousin Tammy, visiting us for a couple of days. I turned around to take a better glimpse of my 6 years old cousin, while Cody pulled away.

"Hey" I said, kneeling down so I could carry her. She giggled and ran towards me

"Cookesh?" She said reaching for the Basket Cody was holding.

Tammy is a blonde girl, she has green eyes and little freckles on her slightly chubby face, she loves it when Cody sings to her.

"You want some little bud?"

She nodded.

I looked deeply in Cody's face while he handed the cookies to Tammy and feeded her like it was his own child, I pondered upon my thoughts.. how awkward it would've looked if Tammy didnt came along to break the ALMOST kiss. Well, im not sure with that anyway...Im not sure if he was aiming for my lips or probably just my~

"You okay?" Cody asked.

I almost forgot I was starring at him. "Umm.. yeah" I responded adjusting my shoulders to keep Tammy comfortable "You better leave soon, you have to pack your bags and all those stuffs you're going to need"

"I guess so, I' to you later"

I knew what he meant by that. But why does all of these make my heart beat fast?

Cody gave the basket to me while Tammy and I went inside my house.

"Hey honey... Oh so Tammy went after you I see" Mom greeted, she was wiping the kitchen counter and Aunt Lisa was frying something.

"Yeah, Hi Aunt Lisa!" I let go of tammy to give Aunt Lisa a hug.

"Are you hungry? Im cooking some chicken"

"No, I'll skip Im kinda tired"

"Bet something happened out there" Mom teased.


She giggled. I made my way upstairs and took a shower, by the time I got out I recieved a text message from Cody

The Young Prince (Cody): Hey..

Me: Hi, So are you packing your bags already?

The Young Prince (Cody): Nah, proabably later

Me: Oh.. So what's up?

The Young Prince (Cody): The thing that happened earlier...umm...

Me: Yeah? What about it?

The Young Prince (Cody): Im sorry. I dont know what has got into me

Me: Well.. It didnt happened right? You got nothing to be sorry about ;)

The Young Prince (Cody): Does this change anything between us? Ya' know how close we are?

Me: Nonsense! Ofcourse it doesn't

The Young Prince (Cody): Well that's kinda a relief.

Me: Go pack your bags simpson!

The Young Prince (Cody): Yes maam! :)

I didnt bother to reply, I mean he has some stuff to do I cant hold him back. I had nothing else to do, Tammy is probably with mom or sleeping so I checked my twitter. And I saw Cody's tweet.

@CodySimpson: was it a dream? because if it was I wished it went perfectly the way I wanted it to be

Was it about the kiss? ALMOST kiss. I know Cody likes me but I cant trust Kylie for that. She's nice but.. I still need to hear from Cody.

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