Chapter 15: Blackcurrants

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*Ashlyn's Mom POV*

 I arrived at my house 20 mins. after the call I got from Cody, Im shaking do death. Will she really kill herself? Upon arrival, there was one ambulance, two police cars and scattered wood on the front door.  My front door is broken into half. I cant stop being skeptical, how is she doing by now?

I kept my mind straight and try to hold back my emotions as much as I can, Atlast I finally see her, she's sitting on the couch, a girl in a white lab coat was asking her stuffs. I rushed to her and held her in my arms

"ARE YOU OKAY?" I could feel she's a bit irritated. "Uhh, Yeah mom, but what the hell is all of these?!"

"Are you the mother?" The lady sitting next to her piped in.

"Yes, and you are?" I asked letting go of the hug and outstretching my hand for a handshake.

"Dr.  Kelly Webster, Psychiatrist of Los Angeles Hospital"

"Hi, So how's my daughter?"

"Shall we talk about this in private?" She asked.

"Oh where are my manners please" I stood up and showed her the way to my kitchen

"Mom, Im going upstairs"

"Okay honey"

I made my way to the kitchen and asked Dr. Kelly a seat and some refreshments but she said she was fine.

"Did she cut herself?"

Dr. Kelly smiled revealing her fine white teeth "No. We're surprised to know she never hurted herself, although some teenage kids would've done it if they had a horrble past like her"

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yes, and..." She paused taking a look at her clip board "We got the call from outside the country from a girl named Alli Simpson" I nodded "I assume she's a friend of your family?"

"She's my daughter's bestfriend and her family, we umm.. we've known each other for quite a long time even before we moved here in LA"

"I see" writing all the stuffs I said "And.. you're quite aware that there's a charge for false emergencies?"

Oh I almost forgot "Yes Yes, I am  fully aware and how am I going to settle this?"

*End of Ashlyn's Mom POV* 

*Ashlyn's POV* 

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath, what in the world just happened?


"Ash WAIT~"

I hang up.

I wiped my tears and headed my way downstairs. I saw something shiny that attracted me, It was a knife. A very sharp knife, it made me so happy to see it. It was like the only thing I needed for now, I slowly cut myself some fresh banana. I sliced it into a half, grabbed some fresh yougurts in the fridge and a carton of apple juice. I mixed them well before pouring it in the blender. Hmm I wonder if we still have some blackcurrant, I opened the pantry and there was a tiny basket full of it. I grabbed all of it and ran back to the kitchen and stupid me the floor was newly polished which made me slip and fall the blackcurrant was juiced all over my white blouse, it even looks like I killed someone. I laughed to my self thinking how Cody would've flipped out seeing me like this, on the other side I hear sirens there must be a crime nearby or probably an accident.

"OPEN THE DOOR?" Who what? Why?


What the hell is going on? Should I open it? What if it was somesort of Pedophile trying to break in.

I stood up and blast the door goes, it was literally splitted into half. There was 2 policemens pointing a gun to me

"What the hell!" I exclaimed in shock.

"We need medical assistance" *Bzzeek* one of the police officers ordered on the walkytalky clipped on the right side of his uniform

"Maam are you okay?"

"Yes" I said in a very shocked tone "What the hell is going on?"

"Where did you cut yourself, I see you're bleeding the ambulance is on its way" She reassured hiding her gun behind her and rushing to where I was 

"Im not bleeding! this is...." I looked down at my shirt "this is just a freaking stain from the blackcurrant I landed on"


oh. well now Im not that bored, I checked my phone to see there were 10 missed calls from Cody and 3 messages.

I called Cody


"Calm down, Jeez" I sighed.

"Im sorry, okay where are you now?"

"Home. Why did Alli called for help?"

"I-err... Asked her to, wait a sec. So you didn't cut yourself?"

"NO! Why the hell would I do that? Look, I might have a very sad and traumatic past. But Im not gonna kill myself, Jeez you guys made so much mess"

As much as I hate to admit it, Cody worried way too much. Why on earth would I kill myself?

"Im sorry... I-I just thought you were gonna do it"

"Well your thoughts are wrong alright?" I spat at him "I gotta go" I hung up and locked my door, I dont want mom barging in my room.

*1 week after* 

After I hung up on him, Cody doesn't seem to talk to me that much. I dont really know why and If im gonna add up all the minutes we talked for the whole week.. maybe around 20-30 mins. Did I do something wrong? This is really making me sad.

DUN-DUN-DUN-DUNNNNN Im gonna leave it like this, cliff hangers. ;) I wonder what happens next? thanks for reading! Like, Comment and Fan!

Time's Up (A Cody Simpson FanFic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin