Chapter 14: The Past is a killer

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"How's the French bread there?" I played dumb.

"For the 30th time Ash, WE ARE NOT IN FRANCE"

I chuckled. Cody face palmed.

Its really nice to talk to Cody every now and then, its been a week since he left and it feels like hell. We talk before and after his shows, He calls before he sleeps and Im impressed I thought he was gonna forget me in a blink of an eye. I know I'll be used to this sooner or later but for now I'll miss the Cody that barge in my room at 5 am, Calls me all the insult he could possibly give, Hugs me when Im sad, Goes to my house when there's a storm and most especially the Cody that loves me for who I am no matter how stubborn I could be.

"I gotta go" The.Words.I.Dont.Even.Wanna.HEAR.

"okay" I replied in a gullible tone.

I said my goodbyes to Cody and turned off my laptop. Mom wasn't still here, again. The world is so boring and everyone feels like they're busy with something and Im here at my bed lying down thinking how fun would it be to feel infinite with all your friends and family. My workshops are over, and to be honest, Its so hard to be me I get bored easily.

I walked outside my room just observing the house then I saw this rope attached to the ceiling. Then I remembered we had an attic, I pulled the rope and a ladder fell as it opens. I ran back to my room and grabbed myself a flashlight, bug spray (well just incase), a handkerchief and my phone. I made my way up to the attic.

It was very dark and dusty, the last time I visited this place was when probably 8 years ago. I remember mom getting all hysterical. I finally found the light switch, and alas! I can now see the whole place. 

It was filled with tons of brown boxes, each box was labled of what was in it. Pictures, Old Clothes, Ash's Stuff, Toys, Mom's Clothes (Really?), Jewelries etc. Ofcourse I opened my stuffs first.

I saw tons of baby clothes, toys, and a diary? I dont remember having this. I opened it and saw all the stuffs I have written in it.

~below will be filled with tons of wrong grammars and spellings, remember Ash is reading her old diary which literally means she was still a kid when she wrote all those stuffs. Dont get me wrong she's not a nerd.

(June 2, 2002)

I love muma's lasanya

(June 3, 2002)

Cody and I played Hide and seek. He sucks at this game.

It made me smile so much how much fun we had before. Cody was amazing until now.

(June 12, 2002)

I forgot two right on you, daddy and muma is fighting. Im scared.

(July 15, 2002)

Muma said daddy is leaving us. Cody keeps on telling me its okay. but is not

(August 3, 2002)

Bye bye daddy. 

Then it hit me again, the split up of my parents. And my dad....


"Lets play hide and seek?" Cody said. Okay  I would love to play that. Cody kept on counting while I ran to my muma's room.

I heard muma shouting, I opened the door just a bit so I could see what's happening.


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