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Taehyung and I looked at each other. I smiled, relieved to finally see him. His eyes lit up. He was wearing a plain hoodie and sweatpants but I was stunned by his beauty and it took my breath away. If this were a romantic movie, he and I would run to each other, arms open, as dreamy music swelled until we ended in an embrace.

But Auntie was there to attack him with accusations. "You scared us! You send your bodyguard to my apartment. He gives Suni a note that's not even signed. Now we assume it was you. We didn't know what to do!"

Taehyung put his hands up in defense as he entered the apartment and took off his shoes. We all bowed to each other. He said in his shy English, "I am sorry. You were scared and worried. It is okay now. Did you not get my message?"

Auntie looked at her phone again. She made a face. "Ah! There's an email from "Learning E" in my spam folder. It's from you."

"So you did try to contact her," I said, relieved again.

"Yes. The company did not let me call you or visit you, so I sent Chan." He looked at Auntie and then at me, confusion on his face.

"Oh, Auntie just wanted to make sure I was okay."

"So you are staying?" he asked, smiling at me.

I nodded. "Thank you for the offer."

At that moment, it became real to me. I zoned out as I tried to wrap my head around the fact that I was going to live alone in a foreign country and be a K-pop idol's English tutor. Auntie cleared her throat and Taehyung offered to call Chan to take her home and then to the airport in the morning. Auntie looked at me, worry still in her eyes. I knew she was just trying to protect me. We gave each other a hug.

"Good-bye, Suni. Take of yourself. You can always change your mind, you know."

"I know this is risky, but I have to do this. I want to do this. Thank you for all your help this last month. Have a safe flight. Love you, Auntie."

When the door closed behind her, my chest felt heavy. I had no idea what was going to happen next. I took a deep breath. Taehyung and I stood in the hallway, his intense stare piercing me. I looked away nervously. Finally, he broke the silence. "I am happy you stay."

"I'm happy too, Taehyung. You're really cool for doing this. But why...?"

"Did you read letter?"

I nodded. "You really mean that?"

"Ne. I want to help you. It is your dream to live in other country. You want to fail here not go back home."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "I don't remember telling you it was my dream."

He pursed his lips and smiled as he moved his head from side to side. It was adorable how he was getting shy. "Ah...I hear you on the computer. Talking to Ms. Suni." I gave him a confused look so he continued. "She did not really end the video call. So I hear you tell her it is your dream to stay."

"Oh, she must have pressed the wrong button," I said, laughing. He did the same. Nervously, I looked around the room. "Thank you again. So I guess I'm living here now? The company is really okay with this?"

He stared at me. I wasn't sure if he understood me so I repeated myself slowly. "Is...the...company-"

"It is not...how you say? Official. But I will come back tomorrow."

"What? So there's a chance I can't stay here?"

Taehyung slightly moved his hands near my hands, then stopped. "I will talk to Bang PD and see you in the morning. You will be home?"

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