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"Shh! I think I hear someone," Jungkook said, putting his index finger to his lips.

We were in his personal studio at the company building, me on his studio's couch and him sitting across from me at his computer desk. He looked off to the side, concentrating on any suspicious sounds in the hallway. I perked my head up too but when we didn't hear anything we both relaxed and put our focus back on the computer screen.

Even though we were only working on his song, I still felt a pang of guilt that I had lied to Tae about where I was going that day. But I took comfort in knowing that all would be revealed when Jungkook shared his new song to him soon.

Jungkook made a gesture like he was strumming a guitar and looked at me with his big doe eyes.

"Oh, you want me to play the chords?" I asked. He nodded and pointed to the corner so I picked up the instrument and started playing the chords displayed on the screen. His falsetto voice sang the lyrics with perfect pitch.

"It sound good so far." He gave me a bunny smile and it warmed my heart. I enjoyed helping him out especially for this special gift of a song. He said he would share it with ARMY during his birthday V Live but tell Tae it was really for him too.

"What do you think about a choir singing the chorus at the end?" I suggested.

"Oh...I want to sing the last line a capella."

I nodded in agreement. We recorded the song on his computer and when we where done he pressed a button on the keyboard. "Kkeut," he said with a proud smile.

Suddenly the door flew open and Tae burst in. "Ya!" Tae screamed in surprise.

Jungkook and I both gasped as I quickly put the guitar down and he frantically made his computer screen go black. "Taehyung-ah! What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked, his face in shock.

"You said you were gaming!" Tae then looked at me accusingly, my mouth still hung open. "And you said you were working!"

Tae's face was contorted in anger but in a funny way so I doubted he was really mad. I continued listening to them argue in Korean to see where this would go.

"I caught you both in your web of lies. My best friend...and my girlfriend..."

Jungkook looked confused and scared. He waved his hands in protest. "Aniyo. Aniyo. Me and Suni not... ah...you think we are...but I only asked her to help-"

"My life is ruined," Tae said, overacting, a look of anguish on his face. I had seen his acting skills in a K-drama and I wasn't completely convinced that this reaction was real. "And to think, I went shopping for your birthday present. Well, if you two want to be together..." He looked at Jungkook. "He is the golden maknae."

I stifled a laugh, still not sure what was going on. Jungkook stood up. "This is not gonna be what you think it is...this is never gonna be!"

Finally, I felt I had to say something. "Tae! This is stupid. You know nothing's going on between us." I gave him an "are you crazy?" look. Tae kept up the act.

"She was helping me write a song. Here let me play it for you." Jungkook turned toward the keyboard.

"A song? A love song? I don't want to hear it. I knew there was something going on. All those times you looked at each other discretely. The secret messages. The emails. I'm good...I'm done!" Tae left the studio and slammed the door.

Jungkook looked up at the ceiling, holding back tears. I fidgeted in my seat, confused as to what to do next. "Jungkook...let me talk to Tae. Okay? Everything's going to be fine."

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