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"I hate you..." I murmured, through clenched teeth, staring at Tae who was smirking.

He had just asked me to miss my flight, stay one more night in New York City, and call in sick for work tomorrow.

"You know you love me," he whispered, before his lips crashed against my own as we stood in the middle of the hotel room. His lips were soft but he kissed me firmly as he slowly walked me backwards to the sofa behind me and lowered me onto the woven fabric. I kissed him back but made a point not to show how easily he could sway me. I kept my pace slow and deliberately left my hands at my sides.

"I got in trouble coming back late from Paris," I said breathlessly as his large palms roamed over my clothed body.

"Was it not worth it?" Tae asked in his bedroom voice as he pressed me into the soft fabric of the sofa and climbed on top of me.

I fought back the urge to moan as his long fingertips stopped at the collar of my sundress and began to stroke the skin of my upper chest before moving downwards to slide the stretchy fabric down from my chest, uncovering my purple lacy bra. His lips left mine and I watched him curl his fingers underneath the lace fabric of the right cup and drag it down to free my bosom. His lips immediately puckered around my skin, gently nipping the delicate tip with his teeth before massaging it with his tongue.

The sensation was too much. I knew if I didn't break free now my attempt to leave on time would be lost. Plus I wanted to "punish" him for stringing me along the whole time he was "confused." I wrapped my fingers in his hair, clutching a handful of black locks as I gently pulled his head away from me. He looked up at me from underneath a row of gorgeously thick black eyelashes. Silently, I pushed him away, palm flat against his clothed chest as I crawled out from underneath him, trying to remain calm. I got to my feet and started to tug my bra back up over my bare chest.

"Tae...you can try to sweet talk me to get your way but..."

"But it's not going to work?" he asked playfully.

I felt Tae's arms wrap around my torso tightly and pull me backward into him. I wasn't really surprised. Rarely did he give up once the mood had taken him. I felt him move one arm from around my stomach to under my legs and he lifted me up before I could protest. I allowed myself to be carried, knowing it was futile to resist the power Tae had on me.

"Suni, you make my heart happy," he started, his face inches from mine. "You make me feel loved and special and the sexiest man in the world."

"Really?" I asked. Tae nodded. He must have been reading my mind because that was how I always felt around him. The sincerity in his voice put my body at ease. "Fine. Text Han to reschedule my flight," I whined jokingly, admitting defeat, not entirely against my will.

Tae smiled and dropped me onto the bed. "Someday you won't have to leave me when the weekend is over."

I gasped at his words and the sensation as my body bounced a little on the mattress and he once again climbed on top of me. "Is that a promise?"

He nodded and tilted his head from side to side, biting his lip. Our lips crashed together again. I kissed him back as his mouth opened against mine. He lunged forward with his hips over and over again. The silence of the room, broken by the sounds of our loud breathing.

Tae broke our kiss to reach for his phone and play his 50s jazz playlist. And to text Han. He returned to me, pressing his body against mine, pinning me down at the hands. I felt his breath against my ear as our cheeks pressed against each other. He kissed the edge of my ear gently and I felt myself growing warm between my thighs as he ran his lips from my lobe to my neck.

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