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If it's Friday it must be Las Vegas! 

That was my thought as the plane I was on landed at McCarran airport for the third time that month. And as Han picked me up again. But this time instead of bringing me straight to the hotel, he dropped me off at the VIP entrance of Allegiant Stadium. I arrived just in time for the BTS concert, Day 3.

Tae managed to get me seats on the floor, on the outside perimeter stage left. I had enough height to see the members on stage without any obstructions and was anticipating a clear view of them on the trolley cart. Hopefully, Tae and I could make a hand heart again.

But my hopes were dashed when the cart came around and everyone in my section got the bright idea to rush toward the area I was in. Dozens of female fans pushed and shoved their way to get a chance to see BTS better. I felt a familiar sense of panic as the crowd was crushing me and a heaviness in my chest formed. Just like on Halloween in Seoul. But the security guards put an end to the mad dash and forced everyone to disperse before I could be pushed up against the ropes. I removed my face mask so I could take a deep breath.

When Tae passed by during "Telepathy," I waved to him and screamed in exhilaration. "My man!" I shouted, even though he technically wasn't and couldn't hear me anyway. I just wanted to hype him up. I felt a large woman press up against my back and turned to see her give me a nasty look. I couldn't believe she was still trying to force her way forward even though the guard gave orders to stay back. I gave her the stink eye.

Her eyes widened and a look of recognition came over her face. "Aren't you V's English tutor? Weren't you in those videos that were all over the internet a couple years ago?" she asked, her ARMY bomb illuminating my face for the small crowd around us who heard her.

I gulped. "No! That's not me!" I screamed, a bit too defensively.

"Hey," the fan said to the lady next to her. "Doesn't she look like that girl in those pictures?"

Quickly, I thought of a way to distract her as she kept staring. "Uh...would you like to switch places with me? You can take better pictures from here."

Her stare was static for a second then she took up my offer and replaced me at the front. I took a few steps back, happily giving up my spot. When the second trolley approached, I noticed how the fan kept screaming "RM! RM!" I was happy she got what she wanted.


Back at the hotel that night, after Tae filmed a V Live with Jimin, Hobi and Jungkook, I was still on a high from the concert when Tae entered the room.

"Taehyung..." I started in a demure voice, standing sheepishly by the dresser, "I'm a big fan. I'm so happy you invited me up to your hotel room." Tae watched me carefully as I acted skittish, putting my hands behind my back and looking down at the floor. "You're my bias, you know?" I said in a higher than normal voice.

I looked up at him and smiled. He seemed to sense the role-playing I was creating and played along. "Really? Well, I saw you at the concert. In the crowd...wearing that..." His voice trailed off as he checked out one of his favorite outfits on me, a purple knitted blouse and short black mini pleated skirt with black thigh high boots. "I had to invite you."

"Oh!" I covered my face with my hand as I blushed, the emotion being real and playful at the same time.

"What's your name?" he asked, as he took slow strides to reach me.

Still acting vulnerable, I didn't look up at him. "Melissa," I said softly.


I grinned and looked into his eyes. "Me-liss-a."

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