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Come on, Suni. Fill out the form!

My hands rested on the computer keyboard. Why was I hesitating? My mind instantly flashed to images of Tae and I together. Our little afternoon delight, our stolen bread that was sweeter in secret. If I stayed in Seoul, I would be with Tae. I assumed. We hadn't talked about our future but if I didn't stay in Seoul, we wouldn't even have a future. Right?

I needed to talk to him.

The next few days he was busy, but I did get to see him on a Vlive with Namjoon, Jungkook, and Jimin. They were sitting on their living room couch in their dorm. I was surprised to see Namjoon there since Tae told me he had moved out. I guessed it was just for the special occasion of watching the Grammy nominations.

I watched with pride as BTS received their first nomination in the Pop Duo/Group performance for "Dynamite." Tae looked shocked as he stared at their TV. I found it endearing that he immediately called his dad to tell him the good news. That was something Tae and I still hadn't talked about. Since I didn't have his parents' approval, how was that going to affect our relationship in the future? Did Tae ever go on that blind date his father wanted to set up?

Later, the members opened up the comments section to fans and there were congratulations all around. Jimin peered at the screen and read one of the comments out loud.

"Taehyung, marry me!"

The guys laughed and I texted Tae 😊. Then I noticed a comment that made my smile turn upside down. Jimin didn't look happy and Tae noticed. On the screen was a comment "Your tutor is trash" followed by 🔫🔫. I watched Tae purse his lips then I turned off my phone and threw it on the table in front of me.

The next day Tae texted to say he was coming over to my studio apartment. I decided to meet him outside in the small courtyard. There was a chill in the air as light snowflakes fell from above. My first chance to see snow here in South Korea and the first time in a long time seeing it since my family took a vacation in the Southern California mountains. I pulled my bucket hat down a bit, adjusted my face mask, and crossed my arms against my puffy coat to gain more warmth. Tae appeared minutes later, dressed in similar garb.

"Well, hello, Mr. Grammy-nominated-recording-artist," I greeted him. He chuckled softly and smiled through his eyes.

"Hi," he said in his sweet voice. He started to turn toward the door but I stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"Wait," I said. We stood there facing each other as he waited for an explanation. I looked up and admired the white flakes dancing in the December air. "I just want to stay out here. This is the first snowfall."

Tae's eyes flickered, taking in the scene around him. "Ah. You know the Korean custom. You're watching many K-dramas."

"Actually, I don't know. Tell me."

"You do not know the super...how you say...superstition about snow?" I shook my head as we held hands. "If you see the first snowfall with the person you like, true love will grow between you and it will be long-lasting."

I tilted my head and looked deep into his eyes. I wished I could read his mind and know if Tae thought he and I would be long lasting. Where did he see us in the next year? Was he content with the way things were going? Or, like me, did he want more?

He let go of my hands and squatted on the ground. In the light layer of fallen snow, he wrote with his hand "I ♥ You." I put my hand on my heart and sighed. Oh gosh. What am I gonna do with him?

I squatted next to him and added to his writing "Tae." We shared a smile. Then I scooped up some snow and threw it into the air. Tae grinned and tossed some at me. The exposed areas of my face felt a prick of coldness. I flung some snow in his direction as we both laughed. Then to my surprise he embraced me, the force of his hold causing us to almost topple over, but he held us steady as we sat on the cold, wet ground.

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