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The days of the COVID lockdown became a blur. Everyday was full of lessons online and visits by Tae, those being the highlights of my days. Besides lessons, I would try to keep myself busy by watching Korean TV and taking short walks around the complex. Afraid of breaking any guidelines, I did all my shopping online and had my food delivered to me. I felt like I was in prison in my apartment with the lack of fresh outdoor air and limited exposure to sunshine.

To make it feel more like home, I constantly played music on my Bluetooth speaker. Tae had sent me a Spotify playlist of his favorite all-time songs and another of the songs he was currently listening to. I enjoyed his eclectic taste in music and shared a list of my favorite Broadway showtunes and indie tunes. With all that noise playing most of the day, I didn't feel quite so isolated.

Auntie called one day to check up on me. She asked if I was coming home since the pandemic was getting worse and I assured her I wasn't. I did hesitate to tell her how I was spending my time. To be honest, I was bored. B-o-r-e-d. When I wasn't teaching a lesson, there wasn't much to do here. I was the kind of person that didn't like to be alone and at times...here in this apartment...I was lonely.

But I ended the call saying, "I wanted to try living here and I am determined to stick it out. I didn't get a one-year visa for nothing."

When Tae came over for his lesson, he brought a piano keyboard with him and said he wrote another line to his song. "'And in the end I wanna show you a happiness and show you all my colors to you.'"

"Ooh. That sounds romantic."

"Can you think of a melody?"

"I'm working on one. But I'm not sure it fits the song." I strummed my guitar and sang, "'And the light will guide us to a million stars, my love, just hold my hand.'" I  watched him place his hands on the keyboard and try it himself. "You could try to put it together. I don't know."

He played a few notes of the melody I just sang. Then he gave me a look that I couldn't quite describe...maybe a mix of admiration and being impressed. "Aay! It is perfect. Can I use it?"

"Of course." When he pushed his sleeves up to play more notes, I couldn't take my eyes off his forearms. The way the muscles in his arms flexed as his hands hit the keyboard was very attractive.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. We looked at each other, confused. Tae answered it and I followed him down the hallway. He shook his head when he saw Yoongi, Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook at the door. My eyes filled with delight. Yikes! BTS is in my apartment!

"What are you doing here?" Tae asked in Korean, irritation in his voice.

"We have a delivery for you," Yoongi said sarcastically.

"How did you know I was here?"

Jin spoke quickly, almost rapping. "Jimin had a feeling that you weren't meeting your tutor at the company like you said when he saw the company car in the garage even though you said you drove to the building. So he followed you and noticed you got off the elevator at the second floor."

"We were bored and we wanted to visit," Jimin said. Hello! It's my bias-wrecker!

"No! It is against the rules."

Tae was right. But I would love to hang out with the other members. I watched them argue and then we heard the elevator ding! so they all rushed inside. Except Yoongi.

"This is the company apartment," he said to Tae.

"Bang PD said it was okay."

"Is she following COVID rules?" Yoongi asked, glancing at me. I could see why there was a video out there called "When BTS is Scared of Yoongi."

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