Chapter 1

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The sun was shining brightly though my window as I woke up, I squinted my eyes looking at the time on my alarm clock. 9:40am lucky it was a Sunday but I had work at 11:00.
"Ugh" I stretch my arms as an attempt to motivate myself but that was no luck. I heard a knock at my door,
"yes?" I say
"Y/N you remember you have work today don't you?"
"Yes mum I do, I'll be up in a minute"
"I've got a night shift so I won't be home till the morning, is it okay if you drop this pie off for the new neighbours" I sigh to myself
"can't you do it before work? And when did we get new neighbours?"
"Just do it for me y/n I want them to settle in you can drop it off after work and they have just moved in this morning so be nice." I heard my mum go into the bathroom not letting me get another word in. I push my blankets off me and swing my legs over the bed getting up to look out of my window to get a glims of the new neighbours.
I open my curtains and slide open my window sticking my head out like a nosy old woman. I can see I girl with bright red hair getting a box out of the moving truck, I believe it has a name on but my eyesight is honestly way to shit to see that far away. I also see a woman with red hair put up in to a pony tail just walking up to there porch with a sweeping brush and then out of no where this boy comes out of the house.. he looks like he is a similar age to me, he has blonde curly hair that goes down to his shoulders a bit scraggy looking to be fair, he is wearing and leather jacket and blue jeans with some cowboy looking boots on. I stare at the boy in ore then comes along and ruff looking man he has a large build like he could squish any of his family in a heartbeat. He was following the boy with the blonde hair to the moving van pointing towards I angrily, he looked to be extremely angry at the boy, picking up boxes and throwing them in his arms shouting at the boy "jeez" I said quietly.  I shut my window and started to get ready for work. I chucked on my work T-shirt and some shorts as it was a hot day in Hawkins and the AC was probably not going to be on at work as they are tight with there money and don't like to spend it on 'unnecessary' things. I grabbed my red converse and put them on looking at them with a snarl, I've had then for that long they look brown instead of red and they is a little split at the bottom of the shoe so anytime it rained water seeped through getting my socks all wet. I brushed my hair, grabbed my skateboard and ran down the stairs.

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