Chapter 16

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When I got home I ran upstairs to get ready for the party. Robin isn't much of a party person nor am I. I went into my draw of clothes and got them all out on the floor making a bit of a mess. This was going to be a big party so I needed to look amazing and especially because billy was going, I needed to step out of my comfort zone and impress billy.
I got out an old dress.. I didn't really like dresses that much but I needed to look good.

The dress was short but floaty, it was off the shoulders, fitted on the upper half hugging my curves well and baby blue, I keep my hair down curling it a little and finally put a little bit of mascara on to make my eyes pop.
I look in the mirror and scowl, I hated this but I wanted Billy to notice me... see me amongst the other girls.
"Y/n! Robin is here!" My mother shouted me from the bottom of the stairs.
"Coming!" I grabbed my ratty Converses, yes I know what you are thinking (what about some heels) come on now that's a step to for anyway what if I do something and need to make a quick get away hummm?
I ran downstairs and hugged my mother goodbye who was doing a shift at work so wouldn't be back until tomorrow.
"Ekkk!" Robin jumped up and down looking and me, I smile at her and roll my eyes playfully "you look so hot!" She screams.
"Why thank you" I give her a little spin.
"Who's this for then?" She gives me a little wink "is it for..? Omg it is isn't it!" She was obviously talking about billy and yes she knows because I tell this girl everything.
"Maybeeee" I say cheekily.
*beep beep* are heads shoot over the Steve's car who was bored of waiting for us, so we went over to him. I hoped in the backseat and Robin went in the front.
"Steve!" I scream
"You look gorgeous"  Steve says with wide eyes, Robin hits him to get going.
"Thank you, I thought I would go out of my comfort zone" I smile at him.
"Well you look... amazing" he said as he set off.

We made it to the party and already they was drunk people at the front of the house throwing up.
"Ew" I said to Robin
"It's okay we won't be to long" robin says linking are arms together.
"It's okay if I want to go home I'll walk it, it's just up the road" I said to her as we head in the house.
We walked in to people everywhere, the music was making are chests vibrate. They was blue lights on so every where you looked was bright blue.
"I'll get us a drink stay here!" Robin said screaming over the music and then off she went to go get us a drink and I stood there like a lemon. Steve kept looking at his friends playing beer pong but stayed next to me but I knew he wanted to go to them
"Go see your friends!" I shouted
"Are you sure?!" Steve said
"Of course have fun I'll be okay!" I said reassuring him, he smiled at me "I'll be over there if you need me!" He said jogging away.
Robin came back with some drinks, I take it from her and take a sip, my eyes widen
"Is this straight vodka?!" I shouted, Robin just giggling at me.
"It's okay! Let lose for one night!" She screams moving her hips
"Fine!" I said laughing
"let's go dance!" Robin said dragging me to another room where everyone was dancing. As I started to get into it and saw billy in the corner of the room with girls all around him but he doesn't seem interested in them. He looked like he was zoned out but oddly looking towards me as I dance with Robin.

Since I found out about y/ns secret I found myself drawn closer to her. We have both have gone through similar things in life and it just made me want to protect her more and more. My heart sped up around her made me want to kiss her.. but I was scared I didn't know if she felt that that for me and I'm not going to get turned down by a girl.. my life would be over.

I got dragged to a party by some of the people I hangout with but this is the first party I didn't want to go to. I just wanted to stay with y/n and watch the stars. Obviously all the girls swarmed to me as soon as I enter the party. They only did this thinking they was going to have sex but I wasn't interested.
I stood in the corner of the living room with a drink in my hand zoned out, I didn't want to be here but when I snap out of my daydream I see her, I see y/n dancing. She spun around holding her friends hand and it was like if it was in slow motion... she looked beautiful.. everything about this girl made my heart beat fast. I bite my lip as I look at her, my friend noticed this and kept teasing me about it. He kept asking who I was staring at but I roll my eyes at him.
"Get a life" I said to him as I walk off for another drink

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