Chapter 13

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I woke up feeling a bit tired from the night before. I remember asking Billy to stay for the night. I open my eyes to look for him but he wasn't there, he must of gone home to get ready for the basketball game. I didn't want to go but it was the right thing to do and I wanted to show billy I cared for him, he may see me as a friend but I feel something this boy.. I just don't understand it yet.
I got up and went to the shower to at least feel more like me again. I got out dyed my hair and got dressed. I didn't have a ride to the school as Jonathan and I aren't talking right now and robin can't drive. So I set off early as it a 30 minute walk but I didn't mind, I think I needed some fresh air and time to myself.

I made it to the school and I spotted robin outside the doors.
"Robin!" I shout smiling at her
"Oh my gosh hey!" She said hugging me "are you okay? Where was you yesterday?" She asked putting an arm round me as we walk through the school.
"Well Jonathan kicked me out his car and-"
"What?!" Robin says furious
"It's okay, Billy came to see me" whisper in her ear so nobody hears me.
"No way.. did you guys..?" Robin says
"Oh my gosh no" I laugh at her and slap her gently "I don't think he likes me that way" I said
"Yeah whatever you are so clueless y/n"
"What do you mean?"
"Have you seen the way he looks at you?!"
"Shhhh keep you voice down! Anyway he looks at all the girls like that"
"Pufffff dose not"
"He does to" I laugh at her
"Listen y/n as long as he doesn't hurt you I'm chill" she puts her hands up in defence. "But we still have to do something about Jonathan" robin adds on
"Yeah I'll talk to him... did you know he is dating Nancy?" I said smirking
"No way! That priss?"
"Yeah that's why he got angry yesterday because I snapped at her"
"Because she was acting like I was a broken china pot glued together and at any minute I'll just break"
"Ugh" ronin said rolling her eyes
"Tell me about it" I laugh at her
"It's okay you know" robin said
"To be upset" robin said giving me a concern look.
"Yeah I know but I haven't got time for it" I said nudging her. "I've got you to look after" I smiled at her.
"Yeah true.. like my guard dog"' Robin and I laughed.
We made it to the hall door, Robin looked to me as I take a deep breath.
"Are you ready?" She asked me
"Ready as I'll ever be..."

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