Chapter 14

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Me and Robin sat at the back out the way of everyone. We are not the most social of people.. well me anyway.
The room started to get packed and when everyone was sitting the head teacher headed to the middle of the court.
"Hello everyone, I would like to thank you for coming today. We are celebrating many things. We are celebrating the first basketball game of the season!" Everybody clapped
"And we are also celebrating a life that was sadly lost a year ago today" as he was talking I noticed a picture of her was placed behind him.
"Lathan was an amazing person, friend and student. In honour of her I would like to hear a speech from her close friend and the survivor of the crash
Y/n L/n"  shit shit shit, I look at Robin with wide eyes, she mouthed the words "do it" I nodded my head and made my way down the steps. Everyone was staring in my direction. Whispering could be heard around me.

"Hi.." I said into the microphone. I looked behind at the head teacher he just nodded at me to go on
"Lathan was a close friend to me.. I know many of you know what happened that night" I looked around the room. I saw billy sitting at the front giving me a little smile and a nod but so nobody else could see it. 
"If you don't know you'll probably hear about it after this but all you should know is this girl" I pointed to the picture behind me.
"Is the kindest person you would ever know she didn't deserve this.. sometimes I wish we swapped places.." I look around me at everyone. "But I know she would disagree with me. She wanted the best for everyone, please tell your friends you love them, hug them and tell them how much you care" I looked towards billy "before it's to late" I stepped back hinting I was finished.
Everyone stood up clapping. I ran back to my seat and hugged Robin.
"Hey, you did it" she pulled back and smiled at me, I smiled back at her.

"Thank you for that Y/n and now let the game begin!"  We all stood up to clap the two teams on and so it began the first game of the season

Billy x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz