Chapter 8

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The day went so slow. Making me so miserable but lucky I had robin to keep me going.
"Don't you think it was odd though?" Robin said as we walk to the school doors ready to go home
"Yeah I guess but he is a player what do you expect?" I said to her not really thinking about it.
"Yeah but it's just strange, plus this is his first day how do you know he is a player?" She said lifting an eyebrow and giggling
"Because look at him" I said pointing to his locker with a swam of girls on him clinging to him like leaches.
"Okay yeah you have a point" we burst out laughing as we exit the school.
"Anyway I've got to get going" I said to her
"Okay I'll see you later" she hugged me a goodbye and ran off to band practice.

The sun made an appearance so it wasn't bad skating home, it felt like forever thought.
All of a sudden I hear a car came up behind me so I stopped and went to the grass and kept walking so the car can get by. It speeded beside me making me feel a bit sick.  The car just slammed it's brakes on a meter or so in front of me, obviously I was a bit wary but I slowly walked to the car not to let anyone see me be scared. 
Suddenly max stuck her head out of the window and shouted my name
"Y/N!" She smiled
"Hey!" I shouted doing a little jog to get to her
"What are you doing?" She asked me as I finally get to the side of the car
"Oh I'm skating home my ride cancelled on me" I laughed
"Oh well we can give you one if you want" she said looking at billy for approval
"No no it's okay honestly, thank you anyway" I said politely.
"I won't be taking no for an answer" billy chimed in raising his eyebrows smirking. I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Fine" I said, I walked to the back of the car but before I could open it billy shouted at max
"Get in the back max" he said. Max obviously couldn't be bothered to put up a fight, rolled her eyes and jumped in the back and I jumped in the front.
"Thank you for this" I said to billy
"No worries but you owe me one" he said smugly
"Of course I do" I said "how was your first day at school max?" I said changing the subject
"Not to bad" she said leaning back
"Good I'm glad" I look back at her smiling, before I could come up with more conversation billy turned up his music all the way and zoomed off.

When we got back billy pulled up to his house
"Thank you again I appreciate it" I said to billy as I get out the car
"No problem" he said winking at me walking off to his home.
"See you later max" I said giving her a hug
"See ya y/n"

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