Chapter 21

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It was the last week before half term and I was so excited. My mum was going away so I have the house all to myself.
I got up and went into my school bag, shit I thought I had so much homework to do. I bit my lip I wonder what to do.
I made the decision to skip today and go to a diner and do my homework.

I walked out of the house and looked at Billy's house and weirdly his car was still there but I ignored it and started to skateboard to the nearest coffee shop. It took around 15 minutes but I eventually got there, I walk in and give the lady a nice smile. I ordered something to drink and went over to my table. I sat down and looked out the window it started to poor down with rain. I started to work on my homework and I got a lot done surprisingly until my work flow stopped. A group of boys entered and started to be rude to everyone! I rolled my eyes at there stupidity.
"Oh but look at this one" one of the boys looked at me and started to walk slowly towards me.
"Oh she is pretty" another one chimed in grabbing to touch my hair.
"Cut it out" I said to them.
"Oh shit! I remember you! You was outside at that party and then Billy had to come save your ass" he looked around "well he isn't here is he? Grab her"  he demanded and then the other boys grabbed hold of me and lifted me up. My heart was beating so fast and nobody would help me in the coffee shop they just watched. 
"Let go!" I said trying to kick them
"No! You humiliated me! So I'm going to teach you a lesson!" He said as they shove me out the door.
"Drop her" he said and they dropped me onto a bunch of gravel making me wince.
"Such a pretty girl.." he said grabbing my face roughly "shame really" he said licking his lips.
"Get the fuck away from me!" I scream.
"Shut the fuck up!" He said swinging to punch me. I
Collapsed to the ground fully hitting my head on the gravel. He did it again this time harder.. I just laid  there in the rain as tears fell down my face.
One of the boys went in the shop. I was hoping he came to his sensors and was going to ring for help but no... he came back with my stuff throwing it on the ground. They all started to grab stuff ripping it up. I cried out to get them to stop but he just kicked me in the stomach.
"Oh what's this?" He said grabbing my skateboard.
"NO!" I screamed in pain, it was lathans skateboard.. 
"What was that?" He laughed as he put my skateboard on the ground and raised his foot slamming it down snapping it in half. He chucked it towards me and walked to his car. All of his friends got in with him and they sped off. I cried in pain and I got up. I slowly made my way home but each step was harder.  I was wet through, I looked like a drenched rat. It took me two hours to get home especially because I kept falling to the ground.
I looked at Billy's house and saw his car only, So I made my way to his front door.
*knock knock*
"Hello?" Max said as she answered the door her eyes widened as soon as she saw me.
"Y/n omg what happened"
"I got beat up" I cried
"BILLY!" She screamed
"What is it?!" He shouted as he walked to her. His face dropped as he saw me.
"Y/n?"'he said running to me "what happened?!" He asked me.
"The boy.. the boy from the party.. he found me" I cried, Billy hugged me trying to comfort me.
"What did he do?" He asked
"Found me in a coffee shop and they grabbed me, chucked me outside and then he punched me.." I cried... He led me inside to the kitchen. "What about your skateboard?" He was angry I could tell..
"They snapped it" tears streamed down my face..
"Fuck!" He screamed pacing round. I shivered as I was still socking wet.
"Shit" Billy said grabbing me and feeling my four head.
"I'm going to put you in the shower okay?" He said to me I nodded and I tried to get up but my legs were hurting so bad I just couldn't. Billy saw this a pick me up, I wrapped my arms around him and I lay my head on him as he carried me to the bathroom.
"Y/n if you can't undress I'll have to do it? Is that okay?" Billy asked as he set me down on the bathroom counter. I nodded yes.
He turned on the shower and started to undress me, he took my top of and noticed the massive bruise on my stomach.
"Did he do this?" Billy asked scrunching he eyebrow in anger.
"Yeah" I said.
"There dead tomorrow" he mumbled under his breath.
He gets me undressed and then he helps me in the shower. I stood there as the water hit me. It felt like It burnt my skin but I was so cold. I washed my face and then turned off the shower. I peep out and ask for a towel. Billy gave me one and I wrapped it around me. Billy told me to stay there as he grabbed me some clothes. He got me the same clothes as last time and then he left me to get changed.
I finish up and I walk out of the bathroom to see Billy leaning on the wall. I look up to him with red eyes from the crying.
"Baby.." he said as he step closer to me cuping his hand around my face. He kissed me gently and I kissed him back.
"I'm sorry" I said
"What for?"
"I didn't know who else to go to" I said sniffing.
"Baby I'm always here for you. I'll help you no matter what" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

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