Chapter 2

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I run down the stairs and go into the kitchen. I rummage through the cupboard doors looking for something to eat but nothing, I shut the doors in defeat.
"Sorry dear they isn't a lot of food" my mother says entering the kitchen
"I can see that" I say taking a seat and grabbing and apple before making my way to work.
"I'll got food shopping soon I promise I just need to do some more shifts at the hospital" just like that I knew what was going to happen next...
"Y/n... I know I owe you some money already but is it okay if I borrow a little..? You know as I do pay for everything already"
"You owe me a grand mum"
"I know and I will play you back but please so we can get through the rest of the month" it was only the 3rd of June...
"Yes of course I'll get you it by the end of the end of next week" she smiles at me and comes to me giving me a kiss on the head
"Thank you darling"
"No problem anyway I've got to head to work so I'll see you later" Before I could hear another word from her a grab my bag, skateboard and legged it out of the house.
It's not the first time she's asked for money but she was my mother I couldn't say no to her. I love her but I wish she got some help, she has bipolar so her mood changes quickly and sometimes she enters her depressive episodes where she can't get up for weeks on end and I'm left paying all the bills but I love her so much and I'm the only person she has in her life so I'll do anything to help and protect her.
I started to skate up my street trying not to stare at the new neighbours as I pass by, I pick up speed to avoid any contact with them.

I didn't want to be here, angry filled up inside of me as I moved boxes from the van to the house. I hated this shit hole already, I definitely will not be playing happy family's with these people. I hated my father for doing this, making me move from a life I loved for him to just be a twat to another woman. Suzan was a lovely woman but a suck up and wouldn't speak up about the abuse she or even the abuse I was getting on a daily basis from him. 
I was getting the last of my boxes when I see a girl with brown long hair skating down the street, she was extremely attentive but I wished she was going slower so I could take more detail in. I watched her zoom by and head off of the street. I smirk at the girl "maybe it won't be so bad after all" he says to himself in a whisper....

Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying! Please comment some tips for me on how I could improve the story or where you want it to go! Any advise would be appreciated <33
Thank you all!! <333

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