Chapter 10

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It's been the worst week of my life. Everyday has gone slower and slower. The only good thing that's kept me going is seeing billy every night. 
It was finally Friday but that still made no difference I was still being dragged to the basketball game in honour of the one year anniversary of the death of my dear friend..
I got up and got ready. I put on Billy's jacket he gave me a few nights ago to keep me warm and then I made my way out the house to Jonathan's car where Nancy was in the front seat.
"Hey guys" I said as I sit down
"Hey y/n" Jonathan answers back
"How are you?" Nancy said give me a pitty smile.. ffs I wish people didn't act like this, I'm not a walking china pot and at any time I could break.
"Fine" I said resting my head on the window.
"If you need to talk" Nancy started before I cut her off.
"I said my fine now drop it" I snap. Jonathan slammed his breaks on.
"Get out of my car" he turns to me
"What? Why?" I said looking confused
"You don't speak to my girlfriend like that" he said as Nancy looks proud at him
"Stop pretending I'm an alien then! I'm fine!" I shout at him.
"No y/n, it's because of you this has happened!" His face dropped straight away after he said that knowing he said the wrong thing.
"Wait y/n I'm sorry I'm just stressed and tired, please" he said trying to stop me from leaving but it was to late I already had slammed the car door. He rolled down the window begging me to get back in but I just stop and look at them both with tears streaming down my face.
"I think about it every minute of everyday! If you think I don't feel a even a bit guilty you are so fucking wrong! Now leave!" I said to him pointing at him with anger
"Fine but I'm sorry..." he looked ashamed of himself. As he should be, he then carried on in the car leaving me to walk.
I couldn't move for a bit. I just stood there like a twat  at the side of the road as tears streamed down my face. I didn't even want to go to school.. I want to go home..
So I made the choice to start walking home, I was done with the day already and it didn't even get started yet..

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