Chapter 4

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I open the front door and chuck all my stuff on the floor.
"Hello!?" I shout to see if my mother was home but to my surprise they was no response.
"She must of left for work already" I look at my watch and see the time 5:45, the sun was starting to set making beautiful colours in the sky. I walk to the kitchen and see a note and a wrapped up homemade pie, I sit on a stall and read the little note~ Had to leave for work so help yourself to any food you can find and please drop off the pie to the neighbours from mum xx~
"Oh shit I forgot about that"  I grab the pie and made my way to the front door.
I walk down the path taking in the beautiful sky, a warm breeze making my hair flow like a majestic unicorn. I turn and start walking up to the door, before knocking I look down and quickly fix myself so I at least look presentable in some way. 'knock knock' I stood there waiting for a few minutes before the girl with red hair answered.
"Hello?" She asked clearly shocked to see someone at the door.
"Hey there, my mum made you a pie as a little welcoming gift" I say with a smile trying not to frighten the girl.
"Oh thank you, my name is max" she says stepping out the door way
"Hi max, I'm y/n, is your mother home?"
"Oh she is out-" before she could answer a angry looking boy comes to the door
"Who is it?!" He shouts at max but before he said anything else he looked at me and his angry facial features softened.
"Oh hi there, I'm billy" he says in a smug tone.
"I'm Y/n" I smile "I live up next door, I hope you don't mind me stopping by my mum made you a pie as a welcoming gift"
"How lovely of her" he says with a smirk. Usually I don't like cocky boys like him but they was something oddly interesting about this boy...and he was really hot..
"Are you okay" Billy asked snapping me out of my day dream.
"Yes I'm sorry I was just thinking" I said shaking my head. He smirked in amusement.
"Oh that's no problem"
"Anyway it's lovely meeting you both" I say bidding a goodbye.
"See you y/n!" Max shouts towards me
"Bye max!" I say as I leave the door. The door shut not long after. I didn't hear billy say goodbye I thought to myself... but I brushed it off, I don't like getting feelings for people, I keep them at arms distance so I don't get hurt.

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