Chapter 20

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I stayed at Billy's most of the day helping him tidy the house before his dad comes home and it was almost time for them to come back so I had to go home.
"Okay this is it then" I said spinning on my heal to look at him
"Don't say that" he snapped
"Hey.. what's up?" I said stepping closer
"You said that like you'll never see me again" he says
"What no billy I didn't mean it like that I wouldn't-"  I said before he cut me off.
"No it's fine I think you should go before my dad gets home" he said towards me angrily.
"Oh.. okay.. see you la-" with that he slammed the door on my face.
What the actual fuck? We was fine all day and he just flipped on me! But I gave him benefit of the doubt because he might be stressed about his dad coming back.

My mother wasn't home so I was left all by myself to just sit there... and think... I started to think about billy.. is he angry at me? Did I say something? I just don't know but for some odd reason I felt sad, my heart felt dull.
I went up the stairs and cuddled up in my bed, maybe I was just tired? I shut my eyes and tried to get some sleep.
Suddenly I woke up to a knock on my window. I turned my light on and went over to see what's happening, it was Billy.
I opened the window and let him in but he was looking down at the ground...
"Billy?" I said walking closer, he looked up to him to see a massive cut on his cheek, blood was poring out of it and he was crying like actually crying.
"Omg" I said as my eyes widened, I stepped forward to touch his cheek and when I did he winced at me and pulled away. I shut my window and the blinds and then I get his hand and pull him over to my bed sitting him down.
"What happened?" I said crouching infront of him.
"Another argument but I tried to fight back this time" tears streamed down his face.
"Okay stay here" I said getting up to go get some stuff to clean him up.
I walked back with a a cloth to help with the bleeding.
"Okay" I said getting down to my knees so I was level with him. "This might hurt a little" I said as I started to clean him up. He pulled away first but then allowed me to help. He looked at me while I was concerning.
"Y/n" he said, I lower my cloth and look at him. "I'm sorry for snapping at you... I just was worried and I didn't want it to end. I had the best day with you.." he said looking into my eyes.
"It's okay, I understand and I also had an amazing day" I said smiling at him.
"Oh yeah?" He said smirking "what was your favourite part?" He asks
"I loved waking up next to you and you cooking breakfast for me" I said going red.
"Oh yeah I like those as well but..."
"But what?" I ask him
"Well I feel like something was missing.." he said gently grabbed my chin, he came forwards so we was just centimetres apart and then he pushed his lips on mine. IT FINALLY HAPPENED Fireworks was going off in my heart.
He pulled back looking at me in the eyes but I needed more.. I kissed him back Straight away.
Soon the kiss started to get deeper and more passionate, Billy pulled away.
"Get up" he demanded, I did as he said and got up. He patted his lap demanding I sat on it. I sat on his lap facing towards him wrapping my legs around him. He started to kiss my again, every kiss I felt more and more warmth to wards this boy..
I really wanted more... I wanted him to touch my skin so I could feel the electricity but he pulled away, I grown at the lack of touch.
"Not right now darling" he said pushing hair behind my ear. "I want to made sure you know what you want" he says looking into my eyes.
"I want you Billy" I said in a huff.
"Just think about it for a little" he said pecking my lips.
"It's not like I've not had sex before it just wasn't with someone who treated me well" I said looking down but Billy grabbed my chin making me look at him.
"I will treat you so well y/n, like nobody has treated you before. I'm going to show you how amazing you are and how you should be treated. But I need you to be sure you want me" he said stroking my chin.
"Ugh... fine" I said making a sad face, Billy kissed me again.
"That's a good girl" he said smirking at me and my attitude.
"I've wanted to do that since the first time I met you"
Billy said.
"Why didn't you?" I raise and eyebrow at him.
"Because you are different to anyone I've met before.. I want to show you I care, I don't just want sex with you, I want to show you how you should be treated" billy said. I responded with kissing him.
"Thank you billy" I said to him.
"Please never leave me" he smiled as he went in for a kiss.
"I'll never leave you Billy"

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