Chapter 3

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I skated down the high street where it was pretty quiet for a Sunday, I finally slow down and pick up my skateboard. Turning the corner to the place I work.. the record shop.. yes I know pretty cool if you ask me but my gosh it's boring as hell, you get groups of teenagers come in a mess up the store and then leave without buying anything. Sometimes they steal some shit and I have to chase them down the road tackling them when I finally get there. I open the shop door looking around when I see the familiar face of Steve Harrington behind the counter, greeting me with a wide smile
"Hey y/n I didn't know you was working today"
"Yeah I just picked up the shift"
"I see"
I walk behind the counter to the staff room at the back where I open my locker and put down all my shit
"How's robin"I shout load enough so he can hear me
"Good I think she is feeling a load better"
"Will she be in school tomorrow?"
"Yeah I think so" Steve said as he looked round the corner to look at me.
"Thank fuck for that I was so lonely last week it was unbelievable" I say with a hand over my head making it more dramatic than what it actually is
"Hey! You had me!" Steve laughs at me
"It's not the same I need my best friend!"
"I thought I was your best friend!" He stand there looking like he was about to fake cry
"Well yeah of course but I can't take you to the girls toilet and talk about are life's" I say with a laugh
"Okay yeah you have a point I'll let you off" he crosses his arms in defeat.~~

Time went pretty fast and because it was Sunday we got to close up early. I finish tidying the store with Steve before heading out.
"Have you got a ride home?" He asked me, I just held up my skateboard and smiled at him, he rolls his eyes at me.
"Would you like a ride?" He says
"Oh I would be honoured sir Harrington" I say with a fake stuck up voice
"Continue you that I'll be flinging you out of the car" he says with a finger pointing at me
"Oh my how dare you say you will fling a lady" I say continuing to do the voice and putting a shocked expression on.
"Lady my ass you are the least lady like person I've ever met"
"Okay you have got a point there"
We both burst out laughing as we both step out the store and lock it up. We walk down the street to Steve's car and I jump in the front seat. I roll down my window and stick my head okay like a dog because well why not.
"You're like a child" Steve says with a laugh
"Well I might as well do something to be enjoying my life so I might as well and act like a child" I say removing my head from the window.
"How's you and Nancy?" I say looking at a picture of them on the dashboard
"Eh we broke up" he says in a sad tone
"Shit really?" I turn to him with my eyes wide open
"Yeah but it's okay she's moving on pretty quickly"
"With who?
"That Jonathan boy"
"NO WAY" I laugh out
"Hey it's okay, you'll find someone new I promise" I say to him with a small smile on my face to try and lift his mood.
"Yeah I know but I want her"
"You never know she might get bored of him and come back to you" I say
"I'm trying to win her back"
"Oh I seeeeee, well if you need any ideas let me know" and I before I know it Steve pulled up outside my house.
"Thank you for dropping me off" I say getting out the car leaning down to bid him a goodbye
"No worries I'll see you tomorrow" I close the door and wave him off.

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