Chapter 3

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"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I hear someone's voice say but it's muffled and distant.

"Don't worry it'll be funny" another voice says distantly.

Suddenly I'm jolted awake by a body slamming onto me. Out of instinct my hand wraps around the grip on my dagger under my pillow and I bring it up to the perpetrators neck digging it in only enough that the tip broke skin.

"I told you not to do that" Calix's smug voice calls out from beside my bed.

"Merlin's beard Nova, I didn't even see you move" Blaise's still body is lying across me and my bed.

"What the fuck Blaise" I hiss and put my dagger back under my pillow. "Why would you do that" I push him off me.

"Well I didn't think you'd try to kill me" he scoffs and gets up.

"If I was trying to kill you then you would be dead" I stared at Blaise dead in his eyes.

"Well that was hot" Theo says leaning against the doorframe. Draco and Matteo seem to agree because they're nodding their heads.

"Why are you all here anyway" I say laying back down on my pillow.

"We waited for you in the common room but you didn't come and Cal said you'd probably still be sleeping so we came to get you" Draco shrugged.

"Ugghhh it's to early" I say pulling the covers back over my head.

"Come on Bubba we're literally going to eat" Calix says pulling the blankets off me.

"You suck" I say sitting up and sticking my tongue out at him.

"We'll meet you in the common room" Calix says while walking out "hurry up" he finishes.

I huff and the boys leave shutting the door behind them. "First day of school" I sigh and get up walking to the bathroom attached to my room.


I showered, changed then made my way to the common room.

"It's about time" Calix says standing up from his seat. "Took you long enough" he rolls his eyes.

"And you say I'm a bitch when I haven't eaten" I laugh which earns me a glare from my twin.

The 6 of us make our way to the great hall for breakfast. We walked in and the room goes quiet. We stopped in our tracks as we realised everyone was looking at us. I backup and grab the first hand I can find which turns out to be Theo's. he looks down at our joined hands and then at me and smiles.

"Lix make them stop" I send into my twins head.

He turns around to look at me and nods.

"I know we're the most beautiful people you've ever seen but it's rude to stare" Calix says loudly to the whole room.

A few people laugh and whisper but they go back to whatever they were doing before. The boys laugh at his outburst and then Calix strides over to me. He kisses my forehead and gives me a reassuring look then we all sit down. Calix, Theo and I on one side of the table and Blaise, Matteo and Draco on the other. After we sat down I realise I'm still holding onto Theo's hand and I let it go looking up at him. I give Theo a sheepish smile.

"Sorry" I say a little embarrassed.

Theo brushes it off "it's fine. Always happy to help you out" he nudges me and that makes me smile.

"Thanks" I say and nudge him back.

The boys are already talking about some band they all like but I'm not really paying attention.

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