Chapter 21

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Harry and I chat about school and random things as we take the 15 minute walk to Hogsmeade. When we get there he leads me straight to The Three Broomsticks.

"The others should be in here" he says opening the door for me.

I nod and smile at Harry walking in. He leads me to a table in the corner where a few people are already sitting. I smile at the people as he introduces them.

"Nova this is Hermione, Ron, Seamus and Neville" Harry says pointing at the people at the table.

"Hi" I smile and wave to them "hey Neville" I smile at my friend.

"Hiya Nova" Neville smiles back.

"Do you two know each other" Seamus asks in a heavy Irish accent.

"Yeah we're in Herbology together" I smile sitting down next to Neville and Harry sits on my other side.

"Ohh you must be the girl Neville always talks about" Seamus teases a reddening Neville.

"S-s-shut up Seamus" Neville stutters.

"Oh if I was only that lucky" I smile at Neville and mean it. Neville is sweet, like Luna. I think they would make a beautiful couple. Neville just smiles at me red faced.

"So Nova how are you like Hogwarts so far" Hermione changes the topic much to the relief of Neville.

"It's been pretty good so far" I smile "I've made some really good friends".

A few scoffs come from around the table and Hermione and Harry just look away.

"Is there a problem with my friends" I question trying to keep my temper in check.

"Oh I'm sure the boys meant no harm" Hermione smiles but gives Ron and Seamus glares.

"We just don't see how Draco Malfoy and you-know-who's son could be good friends" Seamus speaks up "I mean they're total bullies and not to mention probably Death Eaters just like their fathers" he says the last part in a whisper.

I will my face and body not to react, just like at home, I keep a calm cool demeanor.

"I will admit" I start through gritted teeth "They can be bullies to others but when I'm with them they don't dare do anything like that. I can't stand bullies and they know that, have none of you noticed they haven't been as bad as they were" I question the group "they don't go out of their way to start something anymore and I'm proud of the progress they've made" I say truthfully because I am.

"Well Draco doesn't actually bully me in Herbology anymore" Neville speaks up "ever since you punched him in the face for shoving a mandrake at me last term he doesn't even look my way" Neville smiles.

"Wait you punched Draco Malfoy in the face" Seamus's jaw drops and he looks at me.

"Well Hermione here did that to, in 3rd year" Ron smiles proudly.

"No doubt he deserved it" I chuckle "I've heard how much of an ass he was when he was younger".

"Oh I'm sure the stories aren't even close to the truth" Harry chuckles darkly.

"Maybe not" I nod "but it doesn't change the fact they have all changed, and for the better" I add.

"You're right Nova" Hermoine agrees "but it also doesn't change the fact on how mean they were" she adds.

"No it doesn't" I shake my head "but just know they are trying. It's hard growing up in houses like we did, there's a lot of things you wouldn't understand and pressures put on us by our parents. So I can see where you guys are coming from because I know for a fact if I was put in another house I would probably be on your side of this discussion and the boys wouldn't of even given me a second thought let alone become friends with me, but I also understand what they go through. My siblings and I don't believe in our parents Ideals" I pause at the word "but it doesn't mean we don't still have expectations and pressures put on us to live up to our family name.

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