Chapter 31

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After finally finding something to wear since half my pants don't fit anymore I walk down to the dining room and wait patiently for the guests to arrive. Harry joins me soon after, followed by Ron and Hermione. We all wait making light conversation until there's a knock at the door. I stiffen slightly as I sit up straight and Harry grabs my hand.

"Hey it's ok, they'll love you" he smiles at me and helps me stand.

"Well here goes nothing" I sigh standing beside Harry as Molly opens the door.

Molly smiles and greets the guests and they all walk in the door. There's 6 of them total that I can see. Harry smiles at a tall brown haired man with a scar across his face and a tall black haired man too. Harry walks over and hugs them both smiling as they embrace. He turns back to me and waves me over.

"Sirius, Remus, I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend Nova" Harry smiles and motions between us "Nova these are my godparents, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin" Harry says.

"Hi, uh nice to meet you both, I'm Nova" I smile and wave at them both.

The men look at me with strange looks on their faces. I start to squirm under their gazes until the black haired man breaks out in a smile and picks me up for a hug.

"Well Harry looks like your finally growing up my boy" Sirius smiles as he puts me down "your mother and father would be proud, she's beautiful" Sirius says clapping Harry on the shoulder.

Harry and I both go slight shades of red and I have to turn my head so no one can see. Remus just smiles and chuckles. I can't help the sinking feeling in my gut and heart at that comment though. Harry's mother and father would definitely not be proud of me, especially since I'm betraying their son.

"Padfoot, you're embarrassing the girl" Remus shakes his head "come on let's leave these two alone" Remus winks at Harry and I "we'll see you two in a bit" he says and drags a grinning Sirius with him.

Harry and I look at each other for a second and chuckle.

"Well that went well" Harry smiles.

"I guess so" I chuckle.

"Come let's go sit" he says as we make our way to the lounge and sit on one of the couches.

Harry and I sit next to each other his arm around my shoulders and my head on his shoulder. Hermione and Ron are talking to a purpled hair woman and George and Fred are talking to someone I can only assume to be their Older brother Bill. The chatter around the room flows nicely and the warmth from the people and fire place only make my nerves grow more.

The food is almost done and I decide I need some fresh air. I sit up and lean closer to Harry whispering in his ear.

"I'm just going to get some fresh air" I say "won't be long" I smile at him.

"You want me to come?" Harry asks.

"No it's ok" I smile "you talk to your godfathers. I can tell how much you've missed them" I say and stand up.

Harry nods and gives me a small smile and I quietly make my way outside. As soon as the cool night air hits my body I curse myself for not bringing a jacket. The cool air is nice though, it fills my lungs and pricks at my skin. My calm doesn't last long though because when I open my eyes I can just make out dark streaks flying in the sky heading straight towards me.

"Shit" I curse and take out my wand.


But as the door opened a few of the dark streaks smashed straight into The Burrow. Screams from the inside of the house echo in the still night and bodies pile out of the house. A few of the black streaks have landed now and are throwing spells and curses at the house and ground. Suddenly the ground is light aflame and the fire surrounds the house and us trapping us in between the house and a wall of fire.

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