Chapter 4

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I left the dungeons as fast as my feet could take me. I walked around the castle for a bit until I decided to find the highest place I could see. I make my way up the astronomy tower and sit down with my feet hanging over the edge.

I wasn't ashamed of my past but it didn't mean I liked talking about it. I was so caught up in my own thoughts I didn't notice the people sitting beside me until they were right there. I grab my dagger in one hand and my wand in the other. I go to pull them both out but a voice stops me.

"It's only us" Draco's voice flows beside me.

I put my wand and dagger back and stare out into the horizon.

"Hey" Matteo says and sits on the other side of me.

"Hey" I say not moving my gaze. We sit in a comfortable silence for a while until Draco breaks it.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that" he starts.

"Yeah no one should have to put up with that" Matteo finishes.

"I'm not the only one who went through it all" I shrug

"None of you should have to have gone through that shit" Draco says anger lacing his voice.

"Well neither should you two either" I shrug.

Both boys pause and look at me, shocked.

"W-what do you mean?" Draco gets out

"I know the signs, of abuse, neglect, shitty parents in general" I start "I can spot people who have gone through shit like me. I know how much it changes a person and how they act is a dead give away. You guys don't have to tell me about it right now but just so you know I won't judge and I'm a good listener. I still struggle with my past to so I won't pity you or think you any less".

Matteo and Draco look at me stunned, not knowing what to say or do. I know the feeling.

"You didn't deserve it" I say looking between the two "and if it's still happening then you don't deserve it now either".

They freeze and stiffen. I know these are some of the words I needed to hear. These two boys and in fact all of the new friends Lix and I have made deserve so much better than the world has given them.

I have noticed the students all look down on Slytherin students like we're the runts of the pack. As I was walking to the common room after classes today I found a First year student crying his eyes out because some Gryffindors were bullying him.

It took me 5 minutes to calm him down. He was so distraught I had to take him to Professor Snape. I'll admit I didn't want to take him to Snape but he is the head of Slytherin and surely he cares about his house students even just a fraction.

I see the looks the boys get when they walk through the halls. Sure they may not make it easy for people to get to know them but can you blame them? When people start rumor after rumor about them. People treat these boys like they're so dangerous and like they're going to hurt them.

It's bullshit. If people only knew the shit that goes on behind closed doors. They would think twice about the way they treat us.

We again fall into a comfortable silence. I grab both boys hands in one each of mine. We stare out into the distance an unspoken connection between us.

My stomach grumbles breaking our peaceful moment and the three of us start laughing.

"We should really get to dinner" Matteo says standing up and then turning to help me up.

"Yeah I think the princesses stomach might attack us if we don't" Draco laughs.

"Hey" I protest but really don't have any ground to stand on.

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