Chapter 26

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Draco and I sat in silence while we waited. We had gotten up off the floor after we had calmed down and moved to seats next to Calix's bed. They managed to get his pulse stable but they said because they didn't know how much pills he took they would have to move him to Saint Mungo's. Draco had grabbed my phone and texted my brothers 911 and medical wing a few minutes ago. We're waiting for them now.

It's not long before the doors slam open and I hear footsteps running in. I don't even bother looking up, I keep my eyes on my twin. The footsteps stop at the foot of Calix's bed and don't say a word. Draco looks up from beside me and stands. Someone else takes his place and places their hand atop mine.

"Hey Bubba" Elijah's voice flows "what's happening?" He asks.

I don't look up or say anything I just point to Draco. Elijah nods and leaves to talk to Draco. I hear Draco relaying everything that's happened the past hour and my brothers all sigh. I can't tell if they're crying either but I know they're sad. Someone else slips beside me and sits down. From his smell alone I know who it is.

"It's my fault Jack" I finally speak "I didn't check in on him after this morning. I failed him" I say.

Jack sighs smelling like cigarettes and weed I knew it was him.

"You are not to blame Bubba" he says pulling me into a side hug but I don't move "we all knew what he was going through. It's not your fault you already have so much going on right now".

"But I didn't remember him. I was to busy thinking about myself and I forgot my twin".

"No you didn't Bubba. It's not your fault"

"It's always my fault" I sigh.

"Don't say that No" Issac comes to my other side "it's not your fault".

I stop listening to them. They're not going to see the truth. They're not going to see the selfish person I am. I drove my twin brother to try and kill himself, I had the idea for the party at the house which led us to getting Dark Marks, I didn't check on my best friend when he needed me. I am selfish and a horrible person.

"We are ready to move him now" Madam Pomfrey breaks me out of my thoughts as I look up at her.

"I'll go with him" I nod standing up.

"Alright dear. There is only one person aloud to stay overnight so the rest of you can visit in the morning. Headmaster Dumbledor has already been advised of the situation and has approved your absence for the rest of the week".

"Thank you Madam Pomfrey" Elijah nods.

"Of course dear. I'll give you a moment to say goodbye. I'll be back in 2 minutes" she nods and walks away.

Each of my brothers say their goodbyes to Calix and kiss his head. Then they turn to me and hug and kiss me goodbye too. They promise to visit in the morning as soon as the school let them go. Draco holds me tight as well telling me he'll sort out everything with mine and Calix's classes until we get back. I nod at them all and thank Draco as Madam Pomfrey comes back and motions for me to take Calix's hand. I do as I'm told and she aparates us to Saint Mungo's.

We land in a room and Calix lays on the bed. Nurses and doctors are already waiting for us and I step out of the way so they can hook him up to machines. Madam Pomfrey comes over to me and gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Gets some rest doll, they'll be monitoring him all night and taking him for test in the morning" she says "he won't do much better until they can figure what he's taken then they can run a course of whatever medicine he needs" She says "there's a bed right there you can rest in. He's not going anywhere tonight so he'll be here when you wake up" she nods and then walks away from us all.

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