Chapter 28

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It's been a few days and Calix and I have finally returned back to school. Draco and the boys have been keeping everyone's questions away while Calix and I were gone and both of us were very appreciative of that. I was so caught up in worrying about my twin I forgot all about my task. Harry and I haven't spoken in almost a week and I just hope I haven't messed everything up.

It's my first day going back to classes and I'm a little nervous. Calix has another day off before he starts back again but I'm ok with that. He needs the time to get his strength back. I just left Calix's room to go down for breakfast. I'm almost to the common room when I hear my name being called.

"Hey Va wait up" I recognise Draco call out.

I stop in my tracks and turn around to see Draco and Matteo walking towards me.

"Hey guys" I give them a small smile and wave.

"Hey Princess" Matteo smiles and I hug him "how are you doing?" He asks as we pull away from each other.

"I'm doing okay" I nod. Matteo gives me an 'I don't believe you' look but thankfully doesn't push it.

I turn to Draco now and hug him too. "How are you guys?" I ask pulling away from Draco and turning to walk the way I was heading.

"Oh you know probably the same as you" Draco shrugs.

"Hmmm" I nod.

"You ok about starting classes again today?" Matteo asks dropping his arm around my shoulders and I shrug.

"Honestly no. But I can't ever have what I want anyway, so why is this any different" I sigh.

"Oh Va, we'll get through this" Draco says rubbing my back.

"Yeah, eventually" I sigh and rest my head on Matteo's shoulder.

"Have you heard anything from Harry?" I ask the boys.

"He hasn't come to me" Matteo says.

"He asked me if I knew where you were" Draco shrugs "I said you had a family emergency".

"Oh" I nod "ok, thanks" I give Draco a grateful smile.

"Of course anything for my little sis" he smiles.

"Hmm little sis aye" I smile "that's new" I tease.

Draco shrugs "well that's what you are to me, you're not just my best friend you're like my sister now" he says.

I can't help the grin that spreads across my face and I engulf Draco in a hug.

"Love you to Dray" I say as I rest my head on his chest. Draco stiffens at my words but relaxes into my hug and rests his head on topped mine.

We break apart grinning at each other. Draco doesn't show his emotions very much and knowing that he feels safe enough with me to show me brings me so much joy and happiness. I can see how much Draco had changed since we met. He was so very closed off from everyone and now I can see some of his true self shining through him despite these shitty circumstances, and it just makes me want to protect my best friend who is now family from everyone wanting to do him harm.

We all walk to the Great Hall for breakfast. I sit down with Draco and Matteo and we chat about school. I missed my friends. Theo and Blaise join our group after about 10 minutes but before I can talk to them Harry comes over to us.

"Ahh hey Nova, can I talk to you" Harry says a little awkwardly.

"Sure Harry" I smile and nod getting up out of my seat.

I hug Draco and Matteo goodbye as they were sitting on the same side of the table as me and wave to Theo and Blaise. Then I walk with Harry to the Gryffindor table.

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