Chapter 27

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Calix made it through the night and test results came back showing only the sleeping pills and his antidepressants in his system. Those mixed with alcohol were a deadly combination and Cal knew it. The doctors started a course of medication and said he should wake up by the end of the day.

At 8am on the dot our brothers walked through his door. They asked me what was happening and I relayed to them everything the doctors had told me. Seemingly satisfied with my explanation they all went and sat around Calix's bed.

Felix comes up to me and brings me into a hug.

"Let's go get you a change of clothes" he says and I shake my head no.

"I won't leave him" I say looking to Calix.

"Bubba, everyone is here now, Calix is safe and you honestly look like shit" Felix says earning a glare from me.

"I won't leave him Fe, even if I look like shit" I snap.

"Bubba, give yourself 5 minutes to change clothes and eat something please" Felix sighs "for Lixy".

I huff "would you leave Deidara if it was him in that bed" I snap.

"If it was for five minutes to change clothes and I could see he was protected" Felix sighs "yes I would. I couldn't take care of Deidara if I was about to collapse from exhaustion myself".

I look to my twin who is still in the same position he has been in all night. I sigh and nod.

"Ok only to change and then we come straight back here" I nod.

"Ok I'll come with you" Felix nods.

"So will I" Jack says standing and walking over to us. I nod and take both their hands.

We aparate out of Saint Mungo's and to my room. We land just outside my door.

"What the fuck" Jack says confused.

"We were heading for inside your room" Felix says also confused.

"Shit" I sigh "I forgot to take off the charms".

"Why would you charm your room" Felix asks confused as I open my door.

I push the door open moving mess in its way. I hadn't even been back to my room since the Death Eaters meeting. It was still trashed. I walk into my room stepping on broken glass, smashed bottles and mess on the ground. Felix and Jack eye my room mouths hanging open. I ignore their burning questions and walk to my closet. I grab out some clothes not bothering to look for anything in particular and walk into my bathroom shutting the door behind me.

I turn on the shower and quickly jump in cleaning myself and then changing when I finish. I walk out of the bathroom and see Jack and Issac cleaning up my room.

"What are you doing?" I ask not bothering to hide my annoyance.

"A thank you would be nice" Jack scoffs.

"Thank you for invading my privacy and personal space" I spit narrowing my eyes at him.

"Nova" he starts but Felix cuts him off.

"You want to some food" Felix asks making all the glass in the ground disappear.

"No I want to go back" I state.

"Ok we'll I've just got to go get something out of my dorm then we can head back" Felix nods and I sigh but agree.

The three of us walk silently down the halls to Felix's dorm room. He grabs a few things and nods signaling he's done.

"Oh we should get Cal some fresh clothes for when he wakes up" Felix suggests and I grumble.

"That's actually not a bad idea" Jack nods agreeing.

"Fine let's just hurry up and go already" I huff.

We walk a few doors down to Calix's dorm room. It's unlocked when we walk in and we see Draco, Matteo, Blaise and Theo all cleaning up his room.

"What are you doing here" I scowl at them.

"Oh you guys are here" Blaise says looking at us.

"Obviously, why are you here" I snap.

"Nova" Felix warns but I ignore him.

"How is Calix doing" Draco asks stepping towards us.

"He made it through the night and they've stared him on a course of medication that should wake him up by tonight" Felix nods and the boys relax nodding.

"Whatever you're all doing in here, just make sure you're gone by the time I bring him back. He won't like you going through his things" I say walking to his drawers and grabbing some clothes out for him.

"Hey are you ok?" Matteo walks over to me and grabs my arm lightly.

"No Matteo" I stare at him "my twin brother is in a hospital bed because I was selfish enough to forget all about him" I snap.

"La La you kno-" he starts.

"Don't call me that" I snap.

"Nova, this is not your fault" Matteo looks into my eyes.

"Huh, just like it's not my fault I got my brothers lives threatened yesterday" I scoff "all because I didn't want to date Potter". "Pathetic" I roll my eyes shoving Calix's clothes into a bag and walking towards Jack and Felix.

"Nova you know that's none of your fault" Matteo tried but I don't listen.

"Everything is my fault Matteo" I say grabbing my brothers hands and aparating us out of the room.


Jack, Felix and I land in Calix's room and see our brothers in relatively the same positions they were in before. They turn to us nod. I stand in my spot from the night and keep my eyes on Calix. Felix takes the clothes out of my hands and puts them down by Calix's bed. Throughout the day my brothers talk between themselves and take turns to get food and drinks.

I don't say a word all day, just standing in my position never moving. Around 3pm the nurses come back into the room and take away his IV bag. She says he should be waking soon now and to call out for her when he wakes. I don't move and watch their interaction. The nurse leaves and we turn to watch Calix.

After 20 minutes Calix starts to come around. He opens his eyes and looks around at our brothers.

"Where's Nova" are his first words as he searches my brothers faces not seeing me.

They part and look at me so Calix can see me to. He sighs in relief and lays back down in his bed.

"I'll go get the nurse" Deidara announces and heads out the door.

The nurse and a doctor come back into the room and check on Calix. They are happy with his progress and tell him they need to keep him in over night to monitor his levels but all going well he should be able to go back to school tomorrow. The nurse informs our brothers that visiting times are about to close and they need to leave. My brothers nod and say their goodbyes to Calix then me and leave the hospital back to school.

Calix stares at me and I at him for a few minutes.

"Glad to see you learnt to wait until I was dead to follow me yourself" he breaks the silence.

I don't say a word just stare at him.

"I'm sorry Nov" he sighs looking down at his hands "I just, after seeing what mum and dad did I just... lost it" he sighs "I'm sorry".

I walk up to my twin silent. I look at him laying in the bed and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I climb into bed next to him and snuggle up into his side.

"I love you Cal" I cry "I don't want to lose you" I say gripping his shirt as he wraps his arms around me. "You die, I die Lix" I sob.

"I'm sorry Nov, I really am" I he sighs letting the tears flow down his face "I won't do it again. I'll never leave you alone" he says pulling me closer "I'll always protect you Nov" he says kissing my head.

"I can't live without you Lix. I won't live without you" I cry.

Calix and I hold each other close like this all night. Calix needed rest so I let him sleep and I watched over him. I eventually fall asleep in my twin's embrace, as we hold each other. I drifted off into a dreamless sleep holding on to my other half.

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