Chapter 17

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Theo and I walk into my room and he sits down on my bed while I walk over to my drawers and grab out a change of clothes for later.

"So how are you doing?" I ask turning around to face Theo.

"Fuck La La I have no idea" he sighs flopping backwards on my bed "this shit is all so fucked up".

"You're telling me" I sigh, laying down next to him.

"Salazar I wish we had stayed here this break" Theo huffs.

"Calix and I said the same thing" I smile, laying my head down and running my fingers through Theo's hair.

Theo turns on his side and looks at me and I continue running my fingers through his hair and smile down at him. He smiles back at me.

"Interesting little relationship we have" I giggle. (JATP, IYKYK)

"Indeed it is" he smiles.

"Do you think we should talk about this" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"What's there to talk about" Theo shrugs "we're...." He trails off.

"We're???" I question trying to hold back my laugh.

"Friends" He says but it sounds more like a question.

"Oh" I say my face falling "I guess".

"Are we not friends?" Theo asks nervously.

"I mean yeah we are" I shrug "but I don't know many friends who do this" I chuckle gesturing to our current positions.

Theo looks at me laying right up against him on my stomach running my hands through his hair and him on his back laying close to me head resting in my hands.

"I guess not" he laughs.

"Theo" I start but am cut off.

"Do you want to go on a date with me" Theo asks.

I look at him and smile, but it's sad.

"Theo there is nothing more that I would like to do than go on a date with you, but" I sigh "Our tasks".

Theo sighs and looks away from me staring at the ceiling.

"I know" he sighs "This shit is fucked up".

"I know. I have to kill Potter, and you one of the strongest Wizards of our time" I sigh.

"So you think we should just stay friends then" he says disappointed.

"I think until we figure out what we're going to do we should just stay like this" I look to Theo.

"I guess" he sighs "but I can't help my feelings for you La La" he sighs.

My stomach erupts in butterflies and I can't help the smile that grows on my face.

"Ooooo you have feelings for me" I tease Theo.

"Shut up" he pushes me playfully.

"Big bad Theodore Nott has feelings for me" I smile getting up and leaning over him.

"Shut up" he chuckles and tackles me, turning us over so he's towering over me.

"Hi" I smile up at him.

Theo's eyes turn dark and I know what he's thinking because I'm thinking about the same thing.

"Hi" he smiles back his voice deepening slightly.

"I have a feeling this isn't going to be easy" I smirk.

"Oh Nova Fitzgerald when have you ever made anything easy for me" he smirks right back.

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