Chapter 24

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I wake up to a burning sensation on my forearm. Theo shocks awake to and we pull the covers off us and stare at our arms. Both Theo and mines Dark Marks are moving. I look up to Theo and we share a worried look.

"What does this mean?" I question wincing as I touch the mark.

"We're being summoned" Theo states getting up.

I follow suit climbing off my bed and heading to my closet. I stumble my first few steps because of the ache in between my legs. Theo catches me and smirks.

"Something wrong baby girl" he winks.

"Shove off" I chuckle slightly limping to my closet.

I go to the back of my clothes and pull out my 'proper dress' clothes as mother calls them. I grab out a pair of long black pants and the jacket to match.

"You get the summons to?" Calix's voice startles me a little in my mind.

"Yeah I'm getting changed now. Meet you there?".

"Yeah meet you there Bubs. Stay safe"

"You to Lix".

I grab my dark green turtleneck top and change into my outfit. Walking out of the wardrobe I quickly go to my dresser and tie back my hair putting my rings on and securing the family necklace around my neck. I grab some heels securing them before aparating to Theo's room. I land next to his bed as he walks out of his bathroom.

"Shit La" he hisses "you scared me".

"Sorry" I giggle.

"It's alright" he sighs grabbing his jacket and putting it on. "I was about to come back to your room anyway" he shrugs.

"Where's Blaise?" I ask him looking at Blaise's empty bed.

"I don't know" Theo shrugs "probably stayed at some girls dorm".

"Ok" I sigh. I really didn't want Blaise involved in Dark side shit. Just like i didn't want any of my friends or family involved either.

"You look sexy" Theo smirks, walking up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well Mr Nott" I smile up at him "I would love to rip those gorgeous clothes off your even better looking body, but right now we've got to go and see The Dark Lord" I say buttoning up his shirt.

Theo huffs. "Then sex after" he smirks kissing me. "Coz I really think we'll both need sex after this" he sighs.

"I'll think about it" I giggle kissing him.

Theo smirks and nods. We steal one last kiss then take each others hand and aparate to Malfoy Manor. Theo and I land in the foyer of Malfoy Manor and Theo holds me steady.

"Thanks" I give him a small smile and nod.

"Good you're finally here" Draco says hushed walking up to us, "why are you two coming together?" He says puzzled then his eyes widen and a grin peaks at the corners of his mouth.

"Dray" I warn but it doesn't stop him.

"You sneaky buggers" he smiles "I thought you were with Astoria" Draco frowns at Theo.

I roll my eyes and let go of Theo's hand.

"Can we talk about this later please" Theo huffs.

"Whatever, whatever, where's Calix" Draco asks me.

"He said he was going to meet us here" I shrug and just as I said that Calix aparates right next us.

"Where have you been" Draco asks rushed.

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