Chapter 29

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We all quickly get into our positions and stripped our robes into our costumes while it's still dark and our instruments are all where we planned them to be. We got help from our Music Professor to pull this one off but it is definitely all going to be worth it. Fred and Calix got behind their drum kits, I picked up my bass and George picked up his eclectic guitar. Microphones were all set up for us already and the spotlights are charmed to turn on when our instruments start.

The students are murmuring around us and I can hear their confusion and excitement buzz around the room. I count to 4 and together George and I start playing our instruments. I'm Standing on the Slytherin table on the far left of the room, Calix is on the Hufflepuff table next to me, George is on the Gryffindor table next to Calix and Fred is on the Ravenclaw table on the opposite end of the room to me.

The spotlights switch on to George and I as our Instruments play the beginning beats of We Are Young. A few beats later Fred and Calix start playing too, and their spotlights shine on them. We start playing like we had rehearsed switching the vocals between the four of us until the song came to an end. We ended the impromptu concert with our wands in the air shooting fireworks and sparks into the air. The spotlights went out and our instruments disappeared as we quickly scrambled back to our seats throwing our robes on and acting like nothing happened.

The lights turned back on as Calix and I sat down and the room went silent. Our friends and brothers that were sitting around Calix and I were all staring at us baffled. The students around all the tables were looking between Calix, George, Fred and I shocked, excited and buzzing from that performance. The four of us acted like nothing had happened and took a sip from our cups. Suddenly the Great Hall erupted into a deafening cheer. Calix, The Twins and I all got swept up from the students and hoisted into the air. The whole school was now standing and cheering for us holding us four above their heads.

Calix, Fred, George and I look too each other and smile and laugh. I will remember this moment forever. The pure joy, happiness and ecstasy I feel in this moment is a feeling I will hold onto in my heart, this feeling of bliss will keep me going. I know right now that I will never stop fighting. As long as I have my twin, brothers and friends by my side, I know this school and these people are worth saving.


Early the next morning I'm saying goodbye to my brothers. Jack, Issac, Felix and Calix all slept in my room last night. We are in the Great Hall waiting for the rest of our brothers to grace us with their presence.

"Oh finally" Jack rolls his eyes as our other 3 brothers walk in.

"Nice of you to show up" Felix snorts as they get closer.

"Hey you are all acting like this because you're eager to go see the new house" I roll my eyes "Might I remind you I can't see it till next week" I huff.

"You can come sooner bubba, just make up an excuse or something" Isaac shrugs.

"You know why I can't do that" I send Issac a glare.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry bubs" Issac says guiltily.

"No I'm sorry I, I shouldn't have snapped at you. This whole going to the Burrow thing just has me on edge" I say hugging my brother.

"Why?" Deidara asks.

I sigh "I just. They're all actually just really good people". "I feel like shit I'm using them".

"Oh bubs" my brothers say and engulf me in a group hug.

"We'll figure something out Nova" Elijah kisses my head.

"I know" I nod.

I say goodbye to all my brothers then they apparate to our new house to get settled in. Ron and Harry haven't come down yet so I guess they're still sleeping. I don't mind too much, it gives me time to think. So I go for a walk around the castle. I walk past the tree in the courtyard that Draco and I sat under during my first week of school, after we had been let out from potions early. I walked past the Astronomy tower where Matteo and I stumble to our 1am lessons and chuckle at the memories.

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