Chapter 23

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Another week has gone by and again I'm with Harry, Hermione and Ron more than the others. Don't get me wrong I'm starting to really like them all, I enjoy hanging out with them and I would even call them my friends. If I weren't using them to save my own family and friends. Each day it gets harder and harder to keep the act up. Sometimes I lose myself with them. I forget all about my task and just be the 17 year old I am, I'm always grateful for those rare and fleeting moments.

Harry, Ron and I are all down at Hogsmeade getting butterbeer. We're sitting at a table talking when our new potions Professor Slughorn walks in.

"Harry look it's your biggest fan" I chuckle and Ron snickers beside me.

"Hello Professor" Harry smiles standing up and shaking Professor Slughorn's hand.

"Ahh Harry my boy" Slughorn beams "How are you doing, oh and hello Nova" he greets me just seeing me sitting there and completely oblivious to Ron next to me.

"Hello Professor" I smile and nod my head politely.

"I'm glad I've caught you two" Slughorn nods "I'm having a bit of an event of sorts, a small dinner for my top students. I would like to invite you both" he nods to Harry and I.

"Oh we would love to come" Harry nods enthusiastically and I stare at him mouth open.

"What-" I start but Harry puts his hand over my mouth.

"We'll see you there Professor" Harry smiles.

I frown and glare at Harry but he ignores my stares. So I lick his hand and smile innocently as he now glares at me.

"Ahhh perfect. I'll see you two then" Slughorn smiles at Harry then turns to smile at me. "Well have a good day" Slughorn nods and then finally sees Ron next to me "Richard" he nods then walks off.

"Richard!?!" Ron exclaims and Harry and I laugh.

"Well nice to meet you Richard" I chuckle sticking my hand out for Ron to shake but he smacks it away.

"Shove off" he huffs.

I chuckle then turn back to Harry.

"What the hell was that?" I ask and Harry just shrugs.

"Dumbledor wants me to get close to him" he says.

"What, why would Dumbledor want you to get close to our school Professor?" I ask confused.

Harry shifts uncomfortably in his seat and looks to Ron. Ron's eyes widen seemingly getting something I don't.

"O-oh S-Slughorn knew Harry's parents" Ron answers "Dumbledor thought that if Harry got close to Slughorn he would tell Harry more about his parents".

"Why wouldn't he just tell you anyway?" I ask not convinced of the unison lie they're concocting right now.

"Well I don't know if you've noticed Nova but Slughorn is a bit... strange" Ron leans closer to us.

"I guess" I say dragging out the word "but I don't see why you needed to accept the invitation for us both" I grumble changing the subject. I'll ask Draco about it later.

Harry and Ron chuckle "well good luck with that one" Ron shakes his head and sips his butterbeer.

"Come on it'll be ok" Harry says reaching over the table and taking my hand.

I freeze in my spot. I don't like this feeling, Harry's hand on mine there's only one person who's hands I want on me and it's not Harry Potters. Nevertheless I play my part. I let Harry take my hand and convince me to go. I hear the door open but pay no attention to the sound. I soon feel eyes on me and look around the room to see who they belong to.

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