Chapter 19

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My first classes go by in a blur. I have Advanced Charms with Cedric and Deidara, Astronomy with Draco and Theo, Muggle studies with Calix and Blaise and then Herbology with all my friends and Neville Longbottom who I became friends with in the first week of school. We're sat at lunch now and I'm sitting with my friends and Lix.

"Bubba did you see we got accepted into that Advanced music class this term" Calix smiles at me across the table.

"Oh yeah I saw that on my schedule" I nod looking up at him.

"It's supposed to be really good"

"Hmm" I nod playing with the food on my plate.

"You alright?" Calix asks in my mind.

"Yeah it's nothing"

"You sure?"

"I'm fine Lix, don't worry about it".

I look up to Calix and try to give him a convincing smile. He looks hesitant at first but eventually drops it.

"What do you have next?" Calix asks the group.

"Blaise, Theo, Va and I have potions" Draco answers.

"And we have the same class" Matteo nods to Calix who slowly nods back.

I cock my head at my twin but he doesn't meet my gaze.

"You ok?".

"Matteo wants us to start looking for that thing his father tasked me with next period" he shrugs.

"And you don't want to?" I ask carefully.

"It's not that I don't want to. It's just it reminds me that I have the easiest task of all, and I hate that you and Theo have the tasks you have" I can feel his anger in my mind.

"Hey, we get through this shit and then we're free. Take a long ass time finding that crown because if you find it fast you'll just get another task and I don't want you to end up like Theo and I" I hold my twins gaze "Ok".

"Ok Bubba" he nods.

We finish lunch and start heading towards potions.

"Hey ahh I've actually gotta go do something" Draco stops us in the middle of the hallway.

"What do you mean you're my potions partner" I turn to look at him.

Draco looks around the corridors to see a dwindling number of students all heading to class. He steps forward and grabs my arm holding it between us and gently tapping on the Dark Mark laying beneath my long sleeves.

Oh. I nod my head realising what he's going to do and sigh.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" I look up to my friend.

"Of course" he smiles down at me but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Alright be safe" I say wrapping my arms around Draco's torso and holding him for a second. He wraps his arms around me to needing the touch as much as me. When we let go Theo and Blaise bid Draco a goodbye and we head opposite ways.

I walk next to Theo, Blaise at his side. Sensing my mood Theo wraps his arm comfortingly around my shoulders not saying a word just walking. Knowing my brother and now Draco are both starting their tasks makes me want to scream. I know we don't have a lot of time but them starting on the first day of school puts into realisation that I need to start my task to.

Gain Harry Potter's trust. How I'm going to do that I don't know yet. But for the sake of my family I'll figure it out. Kill Harry Potter. Well that I'd rather not think about. We walk into class and take our seats. Theo and Blaise in front of me and the spare seat next to me Draco's.

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