The Price of Fame || Chapter 9

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For what felt like an eternity, I could only see Rochelle "up close" through our world's magazines or television. Interviewing Bowie as he worked on a brand-new album. Featured in music videos. Beaming joyfully near Michael again. On and on.

Ro hadn't contacted me in quite a while, definitely still pissed off after handling our most recent call. I clicked off upset that night too, outright stuck on how to answer. At this point in time, she didn't pick up anything, slyly ignoring my cassette tapes.

While I stepped out with other dames and tried to move on, she still haunted my thoughts. To be honest, I hadn't felt that way since Denise.

Rehearsals blurred over and over with my band until we first hit the road for shows in Detroit.

"Hi, stranger." One voice caught my attention. In these boots, I'd walked backstage after performing for what I think was the third gig in town.

I stomped down my boot out loud and turned the hell around. My costume of veiled blue fabric sparkled more than dark lights above me. Not looking at her, I grinned and blushed.

"C'mere." I opened both sleeved arms and embraced Rochelle. Genuinely hugged her this time.

"I'm covered in the outfit's glitter now." she'd almost giggled near my chest. I moved back, taking her hand.

Tonight, she'd worn this short leather jacket over one sequined crop top. She had walked in ripped jeans, clicking heels. Meanwhile, my earlier gold bracelet clutched her left wrist. Ro bounced curls when smiling through matte lipstick.

Setting pride aside, we hugged again and I looped my arm around her shoulder, chuckling our way out of here.


Creeping this limo back to the hotel in Motor City traffic had been a nightmare, but Ro sat with me the whole time. We soon caught up. I'd longer wish to argue over what happened during our time away. She and I just had to move on now.

"You jumped over that piano and it was over! I clapped to the music like it was church." Rochelle praised me and acknowledged the way "Baby I'm A Star" jammed out tonight.

"Stop!" I only cackled louder and knew for sure that our driver couldn't stand us beyond the partition.

"You know I'm right." Ro scoffed, smirking at me.

"Yeah." I finally settled down after holding my heart.

Once silence fell between us, my own eyes watched her glance out the window, facing rain clouds. Studs pierced as earrings. She unzipped that fanny-pack and removed this small notebook, scribbling. I still kept quiet, just admiring her.

Was this love? Actual love?


Detroit. Greensboro. Philly. Landover. We traveled all over the country at this point. The U.S. cities would just keep grooving once I ended shows in Canada.

Ro couldn't stop for every show, but I'd take anything she'd give back. We were tight again. Happy again.

Once the band touched down in Toronto, I arranged something for her after kicking ass for another great concert.

"Don't open your eyes yet, Ro. Just follow my voice." I'd covered Rochelle's eyes using one of my blindfolds from the "Computer Blue" performance.

"It's blurry. What's going on?" Rochelle warned me for the millionth time. I couldn't laugh while still keeping her line with directions.

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