The Price of Fame || Chapter 49

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Rochelle Davis

Enough was enough.

By the end of last year, we cut favorites off, stopped playing games with each other, and actually tried to save "us" once again.

I knew that life was far too short.

Between classic marathon sessions, he globe trotted around different television shows instead of planning an outright tour.

Even when he introduced TLC at the MTV Video Music Awards, I jumped up during that amazing show, cheering out loud, too.


"I got a surprise for you." His low voice almost whispered to me as we sat in the studio one night. Another Paisley routine.

"What?" I asked, definitely curious as he prepped the recording console.

Beats picked up and I noticed the familiar key sound of "Hot Wit U." His pretty eyes burned to look at me, but I didn't care.

Moments later though, I wanted to slap this man when new lyrics arrived.

Tonight, I'm living in a fantasy.

Your own little nasty world.

Tonight, don't you wanna come with me?

I bet you're a nasty girl...

"No you didn't!" I shouted immediately after he stopped the music to laugh out loud.

"I love you, too." He settled down, but I playfully swatted him away.

"All jokes aside, that's really good." I encouraged him.

"Thank you, but I need a favor." He questioned. A smirk reached his lips.

Here we go. I thought to myself.


Menace. An absolute menace.

His idea in the studio probably worked as a form of revenge because I acted up often last year. Clearly, I needed a reminder.

Not only did he extend the remix with more spoken adlibs, but this man wanted me to join, as two people flirted back and forth.

As I continued listening to the music with headphones, my timing mattered, even while just responding to his low voice.

The Artist: "Talk to me, baby."

Rochelle Davis: Whatchu wanna do?"

The Artist: "I wanna get hot with you...."

By the time I stepped out of that booth, he was gone.

But a note rested on this console.


Meet me upstairs in 5 minutes.


Shit! I booked it out of the studio and rushed to lock that door, not caring if midnight security thought I was wild.


That next day, I woke up to feel dangerous kisses scale down my neck.

"Remember now?" He teased, smoothing talented fingertips along the dark complexion of my body. He always knew.

"Yes, Sir." I listened to him, still clouded beyond words after we made love.

He then leaned in and offered a kiss, nearly whimpering into my mouth.

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