Chapter 12

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Go watch it!!! And don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!!!! :D
It really really means a lot to me (vid at the top or side depending on what device you're using)

× Chris just got his lips pierced × HE IS STILL HOT AF NO KIDDING
Watch it on his snapchat: weekly-chris

* Brooke's P.o.v *

He came closer and closer towards me. What am I going to do? The little voice in my head says kick his balls but nothing's happening. I try to calm my breathing each time Mark takes a step towards me.

"What do you want from me?" I say trying to sound strong and firm but ended up sounding like a dying cat.

"All I want is you" he says and stroke my hair. I quickly slap his hand away, his face is shocked from my reaction. He gets angry by the second and puts his hand to my neck, basically strangling me.

He puts his hands around my neck and pushes it hard to the wall. I struggle for my breath making weird noises. Seconds pass and my vision starts to go black.

Remember how people used to say that the second you're about to die, you see memories of your whole life, the good ones and the bad ones, even your love ones. Well, that's what I see now, I see myself when I was a baby, my mom holding me with her loving face. I see dad hitting mom in front of me. I see Chris, smiling and looking at me eye to eye. His eyes are grey now. His expression changes from happy to sad.

"Don't give up just yet" he whispered.

That's when my vision went out.

* Christian's P.o.v *

"Why didn't you tell us that you were with her all night? We were worried sick!!" My mom said. 'Said', not 'scold'.

"I'm sorry mom but Brooke got kicked by her own freaking mother, she was dying mom. I'm seriously really really sorry. I promise that I'll tell you when I'm in situations like last night.

"It's okay Chris, at least you know that you're wrong and apologized about it. Don't do it next time okay?" She says and hugs me.

"Alright mom"

"Can I still visit her?" I ask mom after we break the hug.

"I don't see why you can't. She's a great girl. I like her" with that, I make my way to Brooke's house.

Up to the doorsteps of her house, I hear gagging sounds, it sounded like someone being strangled. I panicked and pushes open the door. I saw Mark, strangling her.

I make my way towards him and try to push him away. He drops Brooke and she just lay there on the ground.

He just looks at me with those eyes and Brooke's mom opens the door.

"What the..... what happened here?" She asks and I quickly make my way to Brooke, leaving Mark and letting Brooke's mom deal with him.

"Brooke.... Brooke... are you okay?" I say repeatedly, gently slapping....wait no.... patting Brooke's cheeks.

"What happened to her Mark?" She asks sweetly towards Mark.

"I...I...I seriously don't know.....she just fell all of a sudden"

"YOURE LYING!" I scream.

"HE FREAKING STRANGLED HER" I defend Brooke as I feel her pulse around her neck. It's still beating.

"That's not true, Mark would never do such a thing"

"How would you even know. You're not even here that time. Seeing is believing" I say and carry Brooke away from the scene and to my house for me to take care of her.

* Brooke's P.o.v *

I woke up, I don't feel like myself, I feel like I'm as light as a feather. All I see is light and clouds. Am I in heaven? There's a long white hallway. I walk along it and I could hear angelic voices, singing.

"Welcome Brooke" A voice says.

"Where am I? Who are you?" I feel nervous, am I talking to God?

"I'm God. And you're in heaven."

"What.... where's Chris? Where's Mom? Where's--"

"Now, calm down, there's no need to be nervous. You're not ready to be taken up here. I'm just here to remind you to be careful next time. There's a lot of people like Mark on Earth, I want you to be careful. I now want you to wake up...."

"Wake up... Wake up..."

"Wake up Brooke" my eyes slowly open and I could see the Collins, all eyes looking at me.

"What happened? I say and sit up.

"Well.. Chris took you home and laid you down on the couch. You were really unconscious when he brought you back." Crawford said and hand me a cup of tea.

"Thanks Crawf" I smile and take a sip.

"Where's Chris?" I ask, searching around the whole living room for him.

"He's out buying some things, he'll be back in a few" His dad, John said... I still prefer to call him Mr. Collins, it feels weird for me to call someone who is older by their first names.

"I'm back" Chris comes through the door with plastic bags.

"Brooke you're awake!" He quickly puts away all the things he bought and sit down next to me and examines my face.

"Are you okay?" He says with concern in his eyes

"Yea, I'm fine. Neck kinda hurts though" stroking my neck as I say.

"It's okay, you're here with me now. Drink your tea" he says and puts his right arm around my shoulder, making me leaning on him.

"Do you mind telling me what happened back there?" He says and it made me stop leaning against him.

"Erm.... Mark...he...he...he tried to rape me" I say and choke on my last word and my eyes start to become watery.

"And I slapped him. That's why he strangled me"

No words come out of Chris' mouth. He just continue to stroke my hair and I just sob there, leaning against him.

"I promise you that no one will ever harm you ever again" he whispered into my ear.

She just came out of the hospital and this happen. Sorry, trying to make it interesting.

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