Chapter 9

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* Brooke's P.o.v*

Things couldn't get better between me and Chris, we were at the ice cream shop, talking about life and everything, I like to know more about Chris, I love to listen to him. Did you know that he used to do gymnastics? I never knew till today.

Just then a group of guys came into the shop, and I recognized who it was immediately. Me and Chris continue to talk but at the same time, I kept an eye on them. I still listen to Chris tho. Seconds later, they came to our table and one of the guys talked to Chris "What are you doing here with my girl?"

"Get lost Dylan, you're not welcome here." I said looking at him straight in the eyes.

Dylan.. well he used to be a bully, not used to, HE IS A  BULLY. We went to the same school and I don't know why one day he came up to me in school and asked to date. Being the stupid and naive Brooke I was back then, I said yes. I thought things were going great after a few months but I was wrong. One day, our school had a party and Dylan told me to go with him, as his date. I said 'no' a few times but gave up eventually and went with him to the party. At the party, we were really drunk, Dylan took me home and wanted to do some stuffs.... but I got my senses back and said no immediately. He got mad and hit me hard. My neighbour heard the noises from my house and called the police. Dylan got arrested. I guess his trails was over and now here he is.

"Brooke, who's this guy?" Chris asked, confused.

"Tell ya later, can we please go?" I say and tugging him.

"You're not going anywhere" Dylan stopped both of us.

"Leave us ALONE!!!" I half screamed

"Yea, you heard what she said" said Chris

Then, Dylan puts a fist to Chris, but luckily, Chris was fast and he hit Dylan's jaw and kicked his stomach.

"Run!" he said as he pushes me towards the exit.

We kept on running and running, I'm not an athlete and I run out of breath easily. I stop for a few seconds to catch my breath and panted. Dylan and his friends are behind us, chasing.

"Are you okay Brooke?" Chris asked and I can see the worries in his face.

"There's no time for you to rest Brooke" he says and lift me up, carrying me bridal style. I feel sorry for Chris and thankful of him at the same time. Sorry because he's running and have to carry me, I'm like 56 kgs. Thankful for him because he is such a sweet guy.

I can feel the world around me is spinning around, I felt dizzy. He keeps on running and suddenly turns into a sharp corner. He puts me down and looks me in the eyes and said

"Are you alright? Bruises? Anything?" He panics a bit but I gave him a thumbs up signaling that I'm fine. I sit down on the ground leaning against the wall. I could also hear Chris panting real hard. Sweat balls rolling down the side of his cheeks.

"I think we lost them" Chris gets up and looks around the corner and then joining me sitting on the ground. It was quiet for a few minutes and I got back my vision, I don't feel dizzy anymore.

I look at Chris and giggle/laugh.

"Why are you laughing? There's like a serious situation going on around here and I need you to explain who the hell was that. and you're still laughing."

"No chris *giggles* It's just that you were so....... I mean you almost had a panic attack back there when I stopped for a quick breath.

 "And you seriously didn't need to carry me" I say.

"Well I feel like you were gonna pass out so why not? Besides, you're my princess" he says and gives a little kiss on my cheek.

"I think it's time to get you back home" Chris says and got up, and reach out his hands for me to take.

We walk home together with hands intertwining. It's felt good. And occasionally, Chris would look over to me and smile.

*Christian's P.o.v *

We got back home and I follow Brooke inside her house. She goes to the kitchen and prepare something in a pot-like thingy

"Tea Chris?" She says

"Yes please"

I sit down at her living room, admiring all the furniture. I got up and look at the pictures placed on the wall and on the furniture. Seconds later Brooke came in with two cups of tea.

One picture really caught my eye. It was a picture of a woman but it was ripped into half.

"Brooke, who's this woman and why is the picture ripped in half?" I say.

"Oh, that's my mom, it was supposed to be a picture of my mom and dad together but... she ripped it off, so yeah"

"Oh and Brooke, do you mind telling me who the hell was that back here at the ice cream shop?"

And she told me everything, every detail.

"And yeah..... that's Dylan" she says

We continue drinking our tea and suddenly the door flew open, revealing Brooke's angry mom and her holding a piece of paper.

"Get out of here Chris. I need to talk to Brooke alone" she says, trying to stay as calm as ever.

Without a word, I left. Leaving another glance at Brooke before I leave.

*Brooke's P.o.v *

Once Chris left, she looks at me straight in the eye.

"Do you know what is this?" She asks, holding up the piece of paper. I shake my head, too afraid to speak.

"It's my bank account.......



DUN DUN DUUUNNNN. WHAT HAPPENED. This is the last week that I'm going to be free and then it's back to school UGH. I will be updating tho, just not always.

Dont forget to vote :D

Tweet me something, I'm bored af @oreoslovedebbs

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