Chapter 19

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* Brooke's P.o.v *

What, whut, wheut, wat, watt, wut, wheat... WHAT. WHAT THE WHAT.

"WHAT???" confused by the minute.

"Honey..." grabbing both my hands.

"I'm pregnant. Get it? Like a little mixture of me and Mark is growing in-"

"I know what does being pregnant means okay. I'm not dumb kay?"

"But why? You're like what? Less than a month into marriage"

Without letting them explain, I run up to my room. I sit on the corner of my room and think. I don't know why but for some people, having another sibling is a joy to them, but for me, I'm somehow er.... how do you say....... NEUTRAL to it, maybe it's the fear that's creeping inside of me, the fear of my parents not loving me anymore since they're gonna have another edition to the family.

I got up and go to my parents to ask them something important.

"What's the baby's sex?" I ask, no knowing why I would suddenly ask them after my outburst of confusion just now.

"We don't know yet, I'll tell you in 2 months time maybe?" Mark says.

I shrug and go up to my room to my computer screen.

"Baby.... names...." I type into the search engine. Don't ask me why, maybe I'm just bored and I need a cute name for my brother or sister.


After searching for what seems like hours, I found a perfect name if the baby is going to be a boy.

Tobias. (no not Four, I know what you're thinking *smirks) It just feels so right, the name. For the girl's name, I have no idea, can't find the perfect one.

I think I should call up Chris, nah maybe Kirsten. Yea Kirsten.

Kirsten picks up on the 3rd ring.

"Hey Brooke what's up?" She begins.

"Hey Kirsten. I'm great. So I was thinking.... are you like busy right now?" I ask while walking around my bedroom in circles.

"Er No no, I'm not busy right now."

"Okay I was thinking....can you give me some baby girl's name?" I ask.

"Why would you want baby names? Wait.....please tell me..... Are you pregnant with Chris' baby?!?!" She asks, shocked.

"Whatt?!?! No! How I wish to have his children. I would never do that before marriage. My parents are expecting one, not me. And please don't tell Chris. We just had a lil drama this afternoon."

"Hhaha you scared me there Brooke. How about...naming the baby after some famous cities like Sydney, London, Paris. Just like your name too, Brooklyn."

"Em okay.... anymore?"

"I think...Luna and Charlotte are good names"

"Yea those names are pretty"

"Or you could always name them after me. YAS" she says

"HOOOOOKAYY then I will name her, if it's a her, but don't get all confused when I call her instead of you."


"Nobody can drag me downn... nobody nobody....nobody can drag me d-" I stop singing as my phone rings away.




"*laughs awkwardly through phone*"

"Brooke, you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine, it's just that it's so weird that you told me that you wanna break up with me just this afternoon"

"Okay Brooke, I'm sorry, just stressed you know"

"Nah its okay. I totally forgive you"

*awkward 30 seconds silence*

"So I was wondering....."


"Would you like to come to vidcon in Los Angeles  with me?"

"You're kidding. You MUST BE KIDDING ME"

"Nope, 100 percent serious"


"Okay *giggles*. We leave on Sunday okay?"


"Good night baby Brooke *kiss* I love you"

"Good night babe, I love you too"

Dang I'm so thankful for everything right now. I stil can't believe that I'm going to the states for the first time in 5 more days.

Im still alive. Haha :D
So.... for the whole month (october) won't be doing anything cuz freakin exams for 3 weeks straight. Urgh.


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