Chapter 4

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* Brooke's P.o.v *

Dear Diary,

Have you ever felt true love's touch? I think I just did. I don't know diary. It felt so right after I shook his hands. Like, we're meant to be together. Argh, who am i kidding, a face like his, tons of girls would be chasing him right now. Maybe he even has a girlfriend. Gosh, Come on Brooke, you just met him. I really hope I could meet him again, or maybe just hang out, take things slow.

I close my diary and put it on my bed, I'm just gonna put everything on my bed temporary cause' I don't have furniture yet. I go downstairs to get some food. Wait, is there food? well, I'll just have to go and check then.

As I go down, I could see my mom and Christian? Talking?  Why is he doing here? Oh no, please don't tell me that my mom is trying to hit him up.

"Ah, there you are" my mom said as she saw me standing there.

"A friend of yours is here" she said and left, leaving me and Chris.

"Hey" I said shyly. Damn it Brooke, don't be so shy.

"Hey, so I was wondering whether you're free tonight? My family is eating out tonight and I was wondering if you would like to join us" he said nervously.

"Sure, I'd love to" I said with a smile.

"I'll pick you up at 7, is that okay?" he said.


With that said, he walks toward the door  "See you later" was the only thing he said before he went out.

~An hour ago (before Chris came into Brooke's house)~

*Christian's P.o.v*

Brooke Johnson, such a unique name for a beautiful girl. Her touch is electrifying. I can't get my mind off her. Am I in love? Lol Chris, don't be so dramatic man, you just met her.

When I went inside my house, Crawford stood in front of me with a smirk in his face.

"Yo dude, who's that chic?" he said

"Brooke Johnson, our new neighbour. Were you stalking me just now?" my voice getting louder by each word. oh my gosh Chris, don't make it so obvious. he'll definitely know you're up to something.

"What's the matter Chris? Why are you yelling? I'm just asking bro..... or maybe you have feelings for her, is it why you're so protective over her?" he smirks again.

My lips are in a thin line. I look at the floor and went up to my room quickly. I could hear Crawford saying "It's okay bro, I'll keep the secret" I shake my head and went inside my room to get ready for the 'date'.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock at my door "come in" I said. It was my mom.

"So I heard there was a new girl next door, crawford told me everything.." Damn it Crawford, you said you'd keep it to yourself.

"You could invite her to dinner with us tonight if you like..." she continued.

"Really mom?" I said sincerely. "Thank you" I ran up and hug her.

"I'll tell her about it now, be right back" I said and run off to Brooke's house.

Present time~

*Brooke's P.o.v*

What am I going to wear? I just came here and I don't have nice clothes. You know what? Who cares. I dress to impress myself not others.

I pull out my black skinny jeans, and a pink tank top. I got into the shower, I let the hot water run down my body to calm my nervousness. I quickly get dress since it's already..... 6:45. I let loose my hair, too lazy to tie it up. I don't even bother putting make up.

I grab my phone and put on my glasses and went down to wait. I slip on my sweater to go with the whole thing and i think it's gonna be cold outside.

A few minutes later, I could see a car park outside my house. I could see Christian getting out of it and going to my door. After he knocked 3 times, I open the door. He eyes me up and down.

"Sorry but I don't have nice clothes" I said with a  small smile.

"No look.....amazing" he empathizes the word amazing.

We just stared at each other for a few seconds until....

"CHRIS QUICKLY GET INSIDE THE CAR MAN, STOP FLIRTING WITH HER, WE'RE ALL VERY HUNGRY" his brother, I assume, shouted from the car. I could see Christian is blushing a bit.

We both made our way towards to car, Christian jogging ahead of me, when we both reach the car, he open the door for me, what a gentleman. I blush a bit and said "Thanks" 

When I got in, the first thing I did was greet Mr and Mrs Collins, manners first ha. We both sit next to each other. I sat next to a girl, which I assume is his sister. She gave me a smile and said

"Hi there, I'm Kirsten. You must be Brooke. Chris told us about you when he came home" she said kindly and reach out her hand for me to shake it. I gladly shake it. "Nice to meet you" was all I could think to say.

Suddenly another girl at the back seat pop out. "HII My name's Karisma" she greets me with a warm smile and then a guy came out too "and I'm Crawford." he did this hair flip thingy and I giggled a bit

We arrive at this half-fancy-half-normal restaurant. I look around, since it's my first time in Calgary. I let out a small sigh and we all walk into the restaurant.


I had a wonderful time with the Collins, they are so nice and friendly. They asked me about my school and stuff. I try to avoid opening up about my dad and my playgirl mom.

When we all reach back the house, Crawford and Karisma raced into the house, it's like they're playing those who-is-the-fastest-to-the-house wins stuff like that whereas Mr and Mrs Collins and Kirsten walk slowly into the house. Me and Christian, well... we hung out at the front yard for a bit.

"That was the best dinner I have ever had in my life Christian" that was literally the best one I ever had.

"I'm happy that you enjoyed your time, and call me Chris" he smiled after that. I blushed. Oh gosh stop it Brooke.

"Hey Christian... I mean Chris.... can you accompany me to the furniture store this weekend? cause I need to buy some stuff for my bedroom and I'm just getting used to this place" I said nervously.

"Sure anything for you. I mean yes" he said. I chuckled.

"Brooke...... you're making me nervous. Stop" he said after a second.

"Okay, sorry" I smiled.

"Well.. see you later?" he said and I said the same too

Before I could leave, he look at me and fiddle with his fingers.

"Is there something wrong Chris?"

"can I hug you goodbye?"

Woah. Woah. Woah.

"Sure" and with that, I hug him tightly, more like a bear hug. I could smell his cologne. We let go and walk our own ways. That was a shocking experience. I think that he likes me. We'll just have to see about that.

* Chris P.o.v *

Oh. My. Gosh. I finally hugged Brooke Johnson. After I brushed my teeth and cleaned myself, I lay in bed for a moment and thought about that hug. I was nervous. She was making me nervous. Damn. I could see that she was nervous too. I smile a little at the thought of that. I kept thinking about her all this time after i first met her which was only a few hours ago. Wow

Could I have fallen for her?


Oooohhhhhh :o Chris

Sorry for the delay tho. There's a song at the right side, It's called "Thinking of you" by Hendersin. One of my favourite songs. hope you enjoy this story and don't forget to vote :)

SEe ya next time :D

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